Ellen DeGeneres Remembers Murdered Gay Teen

All these religious right wingnuts think they absolve themselves of any responsibility for the violence purpetrated against gay people when they say, “Oh we don’t hate gays, we just hate the sin.” Bullshit. This is what you have wrought, and you will stand in judgement for it. These wingnuts love to invoke the Old Testament wrath of God when it comes to homosexuality. I’d remind them the prophets of the Old Testament were usually warning of God’s wrath in the context of how corrupt the religious leaders’ of that time had become. Micah summed it well: “He hath showed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?”

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Every Christmas, The Same Stupid Gripe

I had planned on a slow work week leading up to the holiday, and had attempted to be somewhat ahead of the game when it came to preparing for the holidays, but it didn’t work out that way. For that reason, I never got around to really writing anything about the holiday, but I could not let pass without comment this whole “war on Christmas bullshit” that seems to crank up every year. An example is a commentary on CNN by some guy named Roland Martin. Obviously, he perceives this concerted attack on Christmas by…well, he’s never clear about that other than categorizing the enemies of Christmas as “politically correct idiots”.

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News For The Week Ending Dec. 27, 2007

Here’s our last installment of the weekly tid bits for 2007. We’ve got a guy stuck in his septic tank on Christmas Eve. And leave it to Fred Phelps to end the year on some wing-nuttery as he blames the tiger attack in San Francisco on gay people. A wyoming woman stabbed her husband for opening presents early, and a bluetooth headset and cell phone foiled a robbery in Columbus, Ohio. We also have some Spanish scientists postulating that time might be slowing down.

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Hunger In America

I came across an article at the Christian Science Monitor on-line today about hunger in America. I spent some evenings working in the homeless shelter in Winston-Salem some years ago, and have, as a result of that experience, developed some perspective on the problems of poverty and homelessness in America. I wish I had some solutions, but I don’t…just a sense of what the world is really like.

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Hotels Now Offering Sex Kits Instead of Bibles?

This must be from the “are you shitting me” category. Krazy Kristian Kook, Don Wildmon, of the American Family Association is now warning that hotels are taking out the Gideon Bibles in favor so “intimacy kits.” I never really expected to write a post that included Goldfish, sex and iPods as tags. Leave it to good old Don to come through though.

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N.C. Baptist State Convention Boots Myers Park Baptist

The North Carolina State Baptist Convention claims that it allows for autonomy for their local churches, and has only a few requirements for membership in state convetion…mainly that you send money and hate homosexuals. Well, the members of Myers Park Baptist Church had decided to be Christian rather than Southern Baptist in their thinking, so today the Executive Committee found this church is not “in friendly cooperation with the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina” and today the membership as a whole gave Myers Park Baptist the boot. The decided to not go without comment…

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Finally Some Good News-Westboro Baptist Found Liable

A Reuters report by John Hurdle reports that the Kansas based Westboro Baptist Church has been ordered to pay $2.9 million in compensatory damages to the family of a gay marine killed in Iraq. They had cheered and protested at his funeral, as they have done at many of the funerals for soldiers killed in the war, claiming it to be God’s vengeance on America for the way it treats them, and for letting gay people live here.

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Phelps off to Minnesota

This guy just never stops. “Rev.” Fred Phelps and his flock will be going to Minnesota to protest at the funerals of the victims of the bridge collapse. Phelps has decided that God made the bridge collapse he hates America and he especially hates Minnesota because of it’s tolerance for gay people.

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Vitter Has Double Standard-Big Suprise There, He's a Senator

Senator David Vitter is the United States Senator who was on the phone records for the D.C. Madame. He went into exclusion for a while, then came to give a brief statement, have his wife pimp for him, and then duck out the back door as if nothing had happened. It was a pretty shameful display.

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Holsinger Confirmation Hearings

Some of you may know that James Holsinger has been nominated by Bush to be Surgeon General. So who is this goober (and a goober he is)? He’s the chairperson of the Methodist Supreme Judicial Committee that ruled it was OK for a Methodist minister to keep a gay person from joining his church.

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