Trouble in Alamance County North Carolina

Unfortunately there are some magistrates in North Carolina who don’t understand about doing their jobs. a magistrate judge in Pasquotank County on Monday refused to marry two men, citing religious objections. Some magistrates in Alamance County also said they wouldn’t marry gay couples. I am flummoxed by Chief District Court Judge Jim Roberson of Alamance County who said that some of the 11 magistrates under his supervision didn’t want to officiate same-sex marriage ceremonies. “As a team, we’re going to abide by the law,” Roberson told the Times-News of Burlington. “Some of our magistrates have concerns based on their faiths and religious beliefs. I completely respect that. Other magistrates do not.” What kind or moronic, bigoted bullshit is that?

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More of God’s Love from Ron Baity of North Carolina

We LGBT people have lots of power. Have you all noticed that? We can bring about fires, floods, hurricanes, and even, according to Jerry Falwell, the 9/11 terrorist attacks. We, LGBT people, have managed to turn Uhmerika into a dictatorship ruled by a bunch of people in black robes. Well, not it turns out, we are now able to bring about Ebola. At least that’s what Ron Baity of the Berean Baptist Church in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

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Dominionism in Schools-A Warning

Conservative Professor Warren Throckmorton tips us to a back-end method to get dominionist views into the schools. David Whitney, receiving today’s Daily Douche award, is head of the “Institute On The Constitution (IOTC),” and is working to form, in schools across the country, deceptively named “American Clubs.” You should know that Whitney teaches that only born again Christians should be citizens, and that civil government should worship God according to their dominionist ideas.

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Tony Perkins-Lying Even More

We’re going to give Tony Perkins our Daily Douche award two days in a row. On Sunday, he appeared on the usually friendly Faux News Sunday to discuss the evils of marriage equality. Unfortunately, Ms. Perkins brought her pen knife intellect to a gun fight with a constitutional law heavy weight Ted Olson, a Republican lawyer and gay marriage advocate,, and hilarity ensues.

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Tony Perkins-Can’t Open His Mouth Without Lying

Well, Tony Perkins of the SPLC designated hate group, Family Research Council, just can’t seem to say three words without two of them being lies. And naturally, with all the news lately about marriage equality, he’s been saying lots of words. As usual, anyone business owner who wants to discriminate against LGBT people in violation of local non-discrimination laws is a hero to Tony, but he knows that being honest about it wouldn’t get him anywhere, so he lies.

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Anti-Children “Christians”

As we all know, there is a refugee problem on our southern border as nearly 50,000 children (many unaccompanied) are making the dangerous trek to try to escape grinding poverty and violence in their home countries for a better life. But the country which gave our ancestors their chance at a better life for us, who took in the tired and the poor of the world, is no longer open for business. The white “Christians” have theirs now, so the doors are closed, and that’s why the anti-children Christians get today’s Douche Award.

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Robert Jeffress – Foul Pharisee

Perhaps nothing is more troubling to me at this time in my life than the insertion of religion into politics. Mega-Church pastors become political pundits, and it never comes to a good end. Thomas Jefferson himself wrote in 1813, “History, I believe, furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government. This marks the lowest grade of ignorance of which their civil as well as religious leaders will always avail themselves for their own purposes.” Robert Jeffres suddenly decides he’s a border security expert, and that whole thing about “suffer the children to come unto me,” well, that’s just for white protestant children. So, meet Robert Jeffress, foul Pharisee and our Douche of the Day.

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Difference Between Free Speech and Consequences of Speech

Today’s topic is a recent controversy related a pair of twin brothers from Charlotte, Davis and Jason Benham. The Benham brothers made a small fortune flipping homes, and were recently working on a HGTV show. What HGTV didn’t bother to find out was that the brothers have a particularly nasty streak when it comes to gays, abortion rights, and Muslims. When that came to light, that was the end of the show, and the beginning of their cries of persecution…because you know, the Constitution guarantees one the right to a TV show, and freedom from consequences.

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The Evolution Vs Creationism Debate

I finally had a chance to watch the debate between Bill Nye (the Science Guy) and Ken Ham of the Creationism Museum. Ken Ham, and anyone who still believes in creationism should be ashamed. What a sad commentary that we have digressed in this country to the point where we even have to have this discussion.

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Hate Springing Up Like Bluegrass in Kentucky

Kentucky bill just passed by the House would bar government sanctions when individuals, groups and businesses cite religious beliefs in refusing to recognize a marriage or civil union, or to provide goods, services, accommodations or employment benefits to a couple. Anti-discrimination lawsuits also would be barred.

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Ms Perkin’s Kickers are in a Bunch over Kentucky

Tony Perkins (who has frequently been a speaker at white supremacist meetings) of the Family Research Council (FRC-which got it’s start with a KKK mailing list, and is an SPLC designated hate group), is upset that a judge in Kentucky has apparently that the equal protection clause of the Constitution really does apply in Kentucky, and actually even requires that LGBT people be included in those protections

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