The Snowbillies Reprise

I was going to write about Ted Cruz, but lo’ and behold, the Palin family reappeared. Sarah Palin popped up and tossed up one of the biggest bowls of word salad ever in support of Donald Trump. This coming on the heels of her daughter being sued for child support and shared custody or a second out-of-wedlock child, and her son’s arrest on a range of charges related to firearms and domestic abuse. And, no surprise here, she blames most all of that on Obama.

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Christmas Cup Craziness

By now you’ve likely heard the craziness of some conservatives about Starbuck’s holiday cup design. You’ve probably heard about it because of one idiotic attention whore, who claims to be a pastor, Josh Feurerstein. He apparently managed to finally have a video go viral (trust me, he’s produced some doozies in his efforts to get attention), where he raises a stink about Starbucks, because of their holiday cup design…plain red with their green logo.

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Trump and Religion

Donald Trump has basically been caught in a lie about his personal convictions. We start with him making a big thing in an interview about how religious he is, about how much he loves the Bible, about how he really likes both Testaments equally, and how he reads it all the time. I’d say, then the wheels come off, but they were never even actually on.

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Republicans Resort Again to Swiftboating

“Swift-boating” is a neologism used pejoratively to describe an unfair or untrue political attack. We started using it during the 2004 presidential campaign when an astro-turf group, Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, set out to wreck John Kerry’s campaign based on their false claim that he hadn’t earned a purple heart he had received. Now, Donald Trump has taken on the mantel of swift-boater in attacking John McCain’s status as a Vietnam War Hero. It’s a sad state that the preferred attack in this country, when you’ve not bothered to serve yourself, is to attack people who have sacrificed and served. But it has a long history. More sad is that fact that it seems to work, and voters buy into it, all while claiming to “support the troops.”

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