The Elliot Spitzer Affair

Good grief, could any more be made of this? New York Governor Elliot Spitzer had apparently been paying for a little something on the side, so now the Republicans demand that he resign. Senator David Vitter (R. Louisiana) was implicated in a prostitution case, but never resigned…why the double standard? Saying he’s involved in a prostitution ring is like me saying I’m involved in the fast food franchise business just because I ate at McDonald’s one day last week.

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Who to Support for President

We have already held the primary here in Florida, but of course our vote didn’t count (more on that in a minute). At the time John Edwards was still in the race, and I voted for him. I believe he was the most sincere candidate running, and he seemed to have the most radical ideas for change, and some radical change is needed. Of course you know he’s out now, and it’s down to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. So who will I be voting for in the general question? Well frankly, I’m still debating who I hope gets there for the Democrats.

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Republicans Naked Fear of Single Party Government

This is a clip of Chris Matthews talking with Club For Growth’s Pat Toomey and Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins about the divisions within the Republican Party. All they seem to able to discuss is how most of the Rethug candidates aren’t conservative enough.

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September 11–Six Years Later

The attacks of 9/11 were used to justify the invasion of Iraq, and ever since, Bu$h has been using the mantra to strike fear into the hearts of Americans and ensure continued support of his war. He and Dick have incessantly linked the words “al-Qaida” and “Iraq.” In a recent speech about Iraq, Bush mentioned al-Qaida 95 times. No matter that the insurgents in Iraq are not the same group that attacked the U.S.

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