Tony Perkins’ Mouth is Moving, So He’s Lying

It pretty much goes without saying that, if Tony Perkins, head of the Family Research Council (FRC) is talking, he is mostly likely telling a lie. There may be no other group that spends more time perfecting the art of lying for Jesus than the FRC. Having lost the marriage-equality fight, they need a new demon to keep the dollars flowing in (grifters gotta grift), and lying for Jesus pays so well, so Perkins is now after Muslims.

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Finding a Right in the Constitution

You’re likely aware that a number of state laws and constitutional amendments limiting the right so LGBT people to marry, have recently been found to be unconstitutional. The anti-equality pundits then issue their (now pretty standard) press releases denouncing the ruling, and explaining how the judge “found” a non-existent “right to gay marriage” in the U.S. Constitution. I’m here to theorize that one does NOT go to the Constitution to find a right.

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So Stupid It Hurts-Blaming the Gays

Georgia’s reigning Ms Helmet Hair and GOP Chairwoman, Sue Everhart, called it correctly when she recently told the Marietta Daily Journal, “Lord, I’m going to get in trouble over this. She got right when she went on to claim that ending DOMA would cause straight people to get gay-married just for the benefits. And, of course, since every negative event in the world must be blamed on gay people, Southern Baptist Convention President, Frank Luter, had to blame the SCOTUS hearings about gay marriage for North Korea’s increasing anti-American rhetoric. Because, you know, they’ve never been anti-American until now.

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Mississippi Ratifies 13th Amendment

As a proud southerner, I know things move slower in the south, but sometimes it’s just a bit too slow. According to the Washington Times, Mississippi is only now getting around to ratifying the 13th Amendment banning slavery in the U.S. As a friend of mine said, “Best not to rush to judgement on these things. Let cooler heads prevail and all that.” According to state Sen. Hillma Frazier, the Democrat who introduced the ratification resolution in 1995, “We’re very deliberate in our state.”

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The Crazies of Guns

Some time has lapsed from the horror that was the Newtown shooting, and now there have been even more gun deaths, and five people were shot accidentally on “Gun Appreciation Day,” hastily thrown together by the gun nuts. Now I grew up hunting with my Grandfather and other friends. I know my away around guns, and believe they are something that responsible should have for sporting purposes, but extremists have gone entirely too far with the rhetoric, and their arguments that every person should have totally unfettered access to any kind of gun. So I want to put my own spin in the discussion and dissemble the arguments that I keep hearing circulated.

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Little Bobby Knight Contradicts Himself – AGAIN

Little Bobby Knight, he of the conservative “private sector” over at One News now, has written a piece in which he makes this accusation, “Liberals, whose lifeblood is government red ink, are working around the clock to move America closer to one-party rule.” So how is we’re doing all this you ask? Well, according to Bob, by an assault on election integrity.

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Coming Out of The Closet in Favor of a Marriage Amendment

I just couldn’t resist reposting this. The krazy kristian kooks want to enshrine what they call “biblical” marriage into our Constitution. Well, so long as it goes with their inerant Bible, I’m OK with it. Vote ahead. Sometimes people just need to stop and think, and read what they believe they are referencing.

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Sometimes a Lie is Just a Lie

Well, of course the war over writing bigotry and discrimination into the North Carolina Constitution is in full swing. I am sadly disappointed that this is what my home state has come to, but I’m not surprised. I’ve talked to several of the legislators who voted to put this on the ballot, and they absolve themselves by saying, “Well, I just think the people should vote.” But when I ask them why they don’t put every civil right on the ballot, I was called, “absurd.”

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How to Shorten Your TSA Rub Down

Finally people seem to be waking to the ridiculousness of the TSA’s “security theater” at the airport gates, just not before Micheal Chertoff, former head of Homeland Security, got to sock away a nice retirement package from selling us taxpayers the bogus x-ray machines. Don’t want to go through those, then get yourself a rub down from a TSA agent, but I’ve found a way to get through the rub down pretty fast.

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