Slack Once Again

I wasn’t quite as busy this past week, but I did have to travel to North Carolina on business the first couple of days of the week. I flew in Monday and spent Tuesday night in Kings Mountain visiting Mom. I had dinner with Mom and my sister Robin Tuesday night, and lunch with my other sister and her two children Wednesday before heading home.

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So Long to JetBlue-Caves to O'Reilly

JetBlue sponsored, among many other things, YearlyKos. This is a grass roots convention of progressive bloggers and activists. JetBlue shows Fox News in flight, Their new CEO contributed $2,100 to Mitt Romney’s campaign, and they advertise on Fox. Yet when Bill O’Reilly finds they sponsored a progressive convention, he attacks…so JetBlue. And instead of standing up for their sponsorship, and pointing out how much they support Fox, they cave in and have their logo removed from the YearKos website.

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Where Have I Been?

Well, I realize it’s been quite some time since there were last updates to this blog. I apologize for the absence, but it was due to work. The previous several weeks involved some very long days, and most of those were spent writing proposals…so by the time evening came around, I was tired of writing. There hasn’t been a ton of news to report anyway on the personal front.

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A Little Habeas for Your Corpus

Wow, the courts have sure been busy lately. They given us lots of fun stuff to cover. Let’s see what we have:

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Your Papers Please.

The Department of Homeland Security will move forward with plans to implement the REAL ID Act despite widespread opposition from citizens and state legislatures. But DHS spokesman Russ Knocke said Tuesday that even the states which have already passed laws or resolutions against the act would eventually come around and implement the national identification standards, because the citizens who now oppose it would start demanding it.

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