An Explosion of Crazy

We’ve got crazies coming out of the woodwork. In Tampa we have a guy calling 911 for phone sex, and another guy taking a tire iron to a Greek Orthodox Priest (because we all know how easy it is to mistake them for Arab Terrorists), and a “Christian” group wanting to try to incite people to gay bash so they can become martyrs charged under the revised hate crimes law. WWJW

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Partying at a Naturalization Ceremony

Some of you will know that Lay’s been through a two and one-half year experience trying to get naturalized. Of course he had permanent status, and has lived here since he was 2 years old. In fact, he’s never been back ot Laos. So it was past time to go ahead and get this over with, but little did we know what an ordeal it would be. Then, I came away from the Naturalization Ceremony profoundly concerned about the complete lack of competence in how even the ceremony was conducted.

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There I Fixed It

A friend sent me an email with a set of photographs of some do-it-yourself projects that remind of some things I’ve done, and some things I’ve seen some others do. They come from a site ( dedicated to the Rube Goldberg DIY’ers of the world. I’ve put a few of the photos from the email in the post, but had a great time scrolling my way through the site.

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The Kilogram is Losing Weight

More than 100 years ago a salt shaker sized object made of platinum and iridium was forged in London. This was then shipped to Paris where it was shaped and polished and carefully weighed until it was exactly one kilogram (about 2.2 pounds). By international treaty, this then became the international for the exact weight of a kilogram. The problem is, the mass of the cylinder may be changing.

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NOMs Hip 2M4M Campaign

The National Organization for Marriage (NOM), one of the extreme right-wing fringe groups, has what they think is a hip new campaign they called 2M4M. Kind of like the tea-baggers, I’m guessing they didn’t think through the title completely before going public. But that’s just fine, since it gives us all plenty to laugh about. And Joe Sudbay at Americablog has tipped me off to hilarious video by Andy Cobb about the 2M4M initiative by NOM.

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