2022 Election – County Court Judge District 14

During the Primary Election, no one got a majority for this seat, so this contest is between Melissa Black and Eilam “Mike” Isaak. I spoke with Mrs. Black/Cordon during the primary. Mr. Isaak didn’t return the call then. He subsequently did, but I’m still recommending Melissa Black.

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Florida’s Constitutional Ballot Initiatives

I keep saying how there are too many things in the Florida Constitution that should be handled by the legislature, but since they won’t, and Florida voters keep electing people based on whom they hate rather than who will work for them, this is how voters get what they want. So here we go. I’m voting “No” to all three.

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2020 Election – Hillsborough County Board of Commissioners District 6

This has Republican Sandy Murman seeking to unseat Democratic incumbent Pat Kemp. This is a tough one for me. Sandy Murman panders, moves from office to office as she’s termed out, and serves only developers. On the other hand, Kemp, who I contributed to, has refused to return calls and messages, so I won’t be voting for either candidate.

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2020 Election – Hillsborough School Board District 7

This is a county-wide seat and the only school board race I vote in this round. Lynn Gray, the incumbent, is being opposed by Sally Harris who previously served on the board and was voted out. Harris served in 2017 and 2018 as Chair of the Board of Education, but her entire tenure was pretty lack-lustier. Given the challenges that will be faced by the district in 2021 and into next year, that’s just not going to cut it. I talked to Lynn Gray this time and in her previous election. She has over 40 years of classroom and school administrative experience and is involved in the schools as more than just a member of the board. She shares my concerns about the loss of funding to for-profit charter companies. So, for all those reasons, I’m going with Lynn Gray for Hillsborough School Board District 7.

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2020 Election – Hillsborough County Commission District 1

Democrat Harry Cohen and Republican Scott Levinson are vying for this seat. I did not get a call from Levinson, but I did hear from Harry Cohen. In fact, that’s not the first time we’ve talked. Cohen is a policy wonk. He makes sure he knows what he’s talking about, and he will have thought through any proposals he makes, and he takes the long view. So for Hillsborough County Commission District 1, I’m recommending Harry Cohen.

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2020 Election – Hillsborough Tax Collector

The two candidates are Democrat Nancy Millan and Republican T.K. Smith. I put out my usual call to both but spoke only with Millan. McMillan has 30 years of experience at the tax collector’s office. In speaking with her she was suggesting some innovative ways to meet the needs of the citizens with some simple common-sense approaches to the many tasks performed by the tax collector. She was open to minor suggestion I made, and I thought she was smart and practical. I’m recommending Nancy Millan based on her years of experience, knowledge of the office and its duties, and her commonsense approach to the office.

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2020 Election – Hillsborough County Sheriff

The incumbent is “married into money” Chad Chronister opposed by Independent Ron McMullen and Democrat Gary Pruitt. Pruitt is the only candidate who returned my calls (and you know my rule). I didn’t expect to hear from Chronister. Chronister is the recommendation of Times Editorial Board, and we could do worse. In my conversations with Gary Pruitt I found him to be genuine and level-headed. He seems to care a lot more about “law enforcement” than about politics. He wants body cams and windshield cams. He also favors an actual “Citizens’ Oversight” function over just an “advisory committee.” I’m recommending Gary Pruitt.

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2020 Votes – State House District 60

This has entrenched Republican incumbent Jackie Toledo being challenged by local Democratic activist Julie Jenkins. I have met with Jackie Toledo a couple of years ago and call her voice to provide input on important issues. Since she and I rarely see eye-to-eye, it’s no surprise she didn’t call in response to my ballot call.  (I should note that I have a long-standing policy of calling candidates for local offices to speak with them directly prior to voting for them. Don’t call, you don’t get my vote, it doesn’t matter where you stand on the issues.) Ms. Jenkins did call, and I highly recommend a vote for her.

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