The Threat of Marshall Law is Real

In cruising around on-line, I came across an interesting article by Dave Lindorff at Information Clearing House. Dave’s take a very factual and intellectual look at the steps that have been taken over the past four years to strengthen the Executive Branch whilst weakening the other branches of government (and often simply outright disregarding them).

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Bill Nelson Continues His Assault on The Constitution

Well, S.1927, An Act To Amend The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 passed the Senate and House, with a bunch of weak kneed Democrats rushing to its support. Unfortunately I’m not surprised to find that Florida Senator Bill Nelson has voted in favor of the amendment. The Senator has consistently cast votes hostile to the Constitution and with the Bush Administration. I can only guess he’s been promised a bed in the bunker during the coming coup.

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So Long to JetBlue-Caves to O'Reilly

JetBlue sponsored, among many other things, YearlyKos. This is a grass roots convention of progressive bloggers and activists. JetBlue shows Fox News in flight, Their new CEO contributed $2,100 to Mitt Romney’s campaign, and they advertise on Fox. Yet when Bill O’Reilly finds they sponsored a progressive convention, he attacks…so JetBlue. And instead of standing up for their sponsorship, and pointing out how much they support Fox, they cave in and have their logo removed from the YearKos website.

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And Away Goes the Fifth Amendment

President Bush unveiled an executive order that allows the administration to block bank accounts and any other financial assets that might be found in this country belonging to people, companies or groups that the United States deems are working to threaten stability in Iraq.

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Restoration of Constitutional Rights

Dear Senators Mel Martinez and Bill Nelson:

The history of the present King … [George] is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

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Vitter Has Double Standard-Big Suprise There, He's a Senator

Senator David Vitter is the United States Senator who was on the phone records for the D.C. Madame. He went into exclusion for a while, then came to give a brief statement, have his wife pimp for him, and then duck out the back door as if nothing had happened. It was a pretty shameful display.

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Holsinger Confirmation Hearings

Some of you may know that James Holsinger has been nominated by Bush to be Surgeon General. So who is this goober (and a goober he is)? He’s the chairperson of the Methodist Supreme Judicial Committee that ruled it was OK for a Methodist minister to keep a gay person from joining his church.

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