The Lord Bless You and Keep You

This is the Choir of Saint Paul Cathedral performing John Rutter’s, “The Lord Bless You and Keep You.” This was from the Jubilee Celebration in 2002 for Queen Elizabeth. As the song concludes with “and give you peace,” you can’t help but feel a sense of peace settle over you. It’s a beautiful performance. I hope you enjoy it, and that you are blessed in the week approaching.

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Christine O'Donnell Wants a Seat in the Senate And To Stop Everyone From Having Sex

It appears that little Ms. “I dabbled in witchcraft” says she wants to stop everyone from having sex. This from the lady who’s claimed publicly to have had sex on a satanic altar. Personally, she would just be a side-show idiot, were people not willing to vote for her to sit in a seat in the Senate of the United States of America. She’s a Palin favorite, but that comes as no surprise, since, like Sara, she just makes up the truth as she goes along.

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And Another Cause of The Gay

And the crazy continues with Alex Jones, nationally syndicated “libertarian” radio host. Jones says it’s our juice boxes. Jones claims he has the documents to prove that it’s a chemical warefare action by our government. They’re putting estrogen in the pastic lining of juice boxes, and apparently in lime flavored soda, to encourage homosexuality to lower the birth rate. We didn’t have juice in boxes when I was growing up, but who knew all that Juicy Juice was preparing kids for a lifetime of tasteful decorating choices and? sunday brunches?

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Quran Burning and The Silliness That's Florida

Apparently Terry Jones (I refuse to use the Reverend honorific for a person like this) of the Dove World Center in Gainesville has flown to New York, and won’t be burning in Quran’s. In the process, he finally got his 15 minutes of fame for he and the loser that is his Associate Paster, and created even more division in America…but hey, he managed to get what he wanted…attention.

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GlennBeckapalooza – Showing America They're Not Crackpots

Earlier this week I was sent one of those emails where you check the stuff you’ve done, then send it to a bunch of friends. One of the questions was, “Have you ever seen something so beautiful it took your breath away?” I answered yes. I’ve seen it a couple of times, but in this case, I have to say it is absolute frightening idiocy that takes away my breath. People who have no discernible contact with any version of reality known to most of us, believe they have the answers to what ails America. People who are told what to think by the corporate astro-turfers, and believe a crackpot Mormon convert is the second coming. And they want to take America back…back to where…a happier time. What does that mean?

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NOM Fund Raising with Lies

I know it will shock you to learn that the National Organization for Marriage is running a radio ad to, among other things, raise money, with a complete stream of lies. So, are you off the floor yet (I know you fell over when you heard). So, many thanks to Matt from who took the time to analyze their ad, statement by statement to point out the lies. I guess that old “baring false witness” thing isn’t important if your fighting teh gayz. I mean some sins are worse than others, so if you have to commit one fight one, it’s must be OK, because they’re all Christian.

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Focus on Your Family Wants to Maintain Right to Beat Up Gay Kids

That’s right folks. The good christian people at Focus on the Family don’t want schools to have effective anti-bullying campaigns because they want to be sure their kids can continue to beat up kids who are or are perceived to be gay. Oh they try to dress it up in nice words saying they want safe schools for everyone, but if you go around and tell kids it’s not OK to beat up the gay kids, then you’re teaching them that being gay is OK.

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Sometimes the Truth Hurts – Unless You're Too Stooopid to See The Truth

Perhaps one of the biggest loons in the anti-equality campaign if former Executive Director (now Board Chairperson) of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM), Maggie Gallagher. Maggie had a child out-of-wedlock, has been married twice, and despite basically making herself the self-proclaimed world champion of traditional marriage, has never been seen at any event with an actual husband or any of her children. What a sad and small person she is. It would be easy to feel sorry for her, but she’s made it her mission in life to foment hate against loving, committed gay couples, so she gets what she deserves. In this case, a well deserved cartooning is in order. Poor Maggie, hate and bigotry, even against Gay people, just becomes harder and harder to justify, but at least she makes a good living at it.

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Ted Olson Plaintiff's Attorney Discusses Proposition 8 Decision

This is a CNN Video of Ted Olson discussing the ruling by Judge Walker today in the Constitutional Challenge to California’s Proposition 8. As you’ve probably now heard, Judge Walked declared Proposition 8 Unconstitutional, and basically said if failed on strict scrutiny and on a rational basis argument.

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Christian Values – Burn Another’s Holy Book

Just incredible is about all I can say. Gainesville’s Dove World Church, made famous last year for its “No Homo Mayor” campaign, is planning to burn Korans on September 11th. According to this “Christian Pastor,” it’s OK to burn a Koran because it’s not the Christian holy book, but can you imagine the tantrum and outrage that would follow if a Muslim group planned the same thing for the Bible.

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Christian Values – Burn Another's Holy Book

Just incredible is about all I can say. Gainesville’s Dove World Church, made famous last year for its “No Homo Mayor” campaign, is planning to burn Korans on September 11th. According to this “Christian Pastor,” it’s OK to burn a Koran because it’s not the Christian holy book, but can you imagine the tantrum and outrage that would follow if a Muslim group planned the same thing for the Bible.

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