DOMA, Obama and the DOJ

Mr. President, I was finally prompted to write you after reviewing the Motion and Brief submitted by W. Scott Simpson, Chief Trial Counsel of your Department of Justice in the case of Smelt and Hammer v. United States. I’m no attorney, but even a layman can determine bigoted and hateful reasoning when it rears its head. I voted for you with high expectations that your administration would return this country to the principles of fairness, respect, and government of, by and for the people as set forth so eloquently by our founding fathers. Thus far, I am gravely disappointed in the actions of your administration.

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Everything I Needed to Know I learned at a 5th Grade Graduation

This morning I went to a nephew’s 5th grade graduation ceremony over in St. Petersburg. I found it telling that the speakers two main points were about responsibility: taking responsibility for yourself and your own actions; and being responsible in the friends we choose.

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Is Torture Ever Right?

I continue to be baffled by the arguments in favor of torture, and the justifications that are made for America’s use of torture. I have heard one justification after another, and each falls with daily revelations of what really happened. Most disturbing though is a recent Pew Survey finding that the more people attend church, the more accepting they are of these torture justifications. That, my friends, causes me crisis of faith. I fear for what is to become of us as a people and a Republic.

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More Flap Over Miss Jugs for Jesus

The brohaha over Carrie Prejean seems to be continuing as nudie pictures have surfaced, and she seems to think the contract she signed with the Miss Califonia organization doesn’t mean anything. It all sounds so Christian to me. I mean how dishonest and hypocritical. Seems a perfect with today’s version of professional christianity.

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Open Letter to App. State Chancellor

U.S. Rep. Virginia Foxx represents the congressional district that includes my alma mater, and she has attended ASU events and activities to advance her political career and give her an undeserved credibility. Over the past several days, Rep. Foxx has made a number of inflammatory statements during the House’s consideration of the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Act. Today, Rep. Foxx crossed a line when she took to the floor of the House, claimed that Shepard was killed as part of a robbery, and called the hate aspect of the crime “a hoax.”

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Tortured Logic on Torture

Sen. John McCain was on Face the Nation Sunday morning, and the contortions he went through to let the previous administration off the hook for their illegal torturing was astounding. He tried to claim that it was all just the result of some bad legal advice. Early in the interview McCain makes the claim that he believes no other Administration will ever make the same mistake (of using bad legal advice…I guess), and torture again.

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The Gathering Storm of Gay Marriage

The krazy kristian kooks have their knickers all in a wad over the gay marriage situation in Iowa and Vermont, and their responses are predictably idiotic. Basically we can’t allow equal protection under the law because it violates their religious sensibilities.

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Rick Warren Screws Himself All Around

Mark Twain said, “Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.” Rick Warren, darling of the “intellectual evangelicals,” is learning that lesson the hard way this week after an appearance on Larry King Live. Obviously I don’t agree with the evangelical view on homosexuality, and believe they are misreading the Bible based on many years of misinterpretation by their clerics, but I understand their right to believe as they wish. One thing, though, I’m fairly clear about is that lying is pretty much frowned upon throughout the Bible, yet Warren decides to play fast and loose with the truth. Now, even the evangelicals are mad at him.

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