More Good Ole Republican Family Values

Randall Terry, founder of Operation Rescue, famously involved as Terri Schiavo’s parents’ spokesman, ran for Florida State Senate (Republican-naturally). His website features the above picture, showing Terry and his wholesome, loving family. Only problem is, there’s a few members missing.

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Equal Rights for All

The New Jersey Supreme Court ruled this week that same-sex couples and their families are entitled to the “same rights and benefits enjoyed by opposite-sex couples” under the state’s civil marriage laws. In a 4-3 split, the court rejected the claim that same-sex couples have a constitutional right to have their relationships recognized as “marriages.” Instead, it left that decision “to the democratic process,” ruling that the state legislature must now decide whether to “amend its marriage law to include same-sex couples” or provide these equal benefits, protections, and obligations “by some other means such as civil unions.” This decision is a positive step toward equality, and an affirmation of the importance of committed relationships and healthy families.

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Dobson Says More Gay Congressmen to be Outed

Dobson said a congressman has told him that several other gay Republicans will be “outed” in coming days. He said he doesn’t know who they are, but, “They say it is going to be worse than anything that has happened so far.” “They are dribbling this bad news out so eventually the values voters will get to the point so they will say a pox on both your houses; I’m staying home,” Dobson said. “Folks you cannot afford to do that.”

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Chertoff's Web of Terror

I’ve seen several articles about this over the past day or so. I’m linking to a brief article on Wired News. Apparently U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff is laying the ground work for the more agressive government monitoring of the web, if not outright control. Disaffected people living in the United States may develop radical ideologies and potentially violent skills over the internet and that could present the next major U.S. security threat, Chertoff said on Monday.

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Denny Hastert Nullifies Special Congressional Election

On June 13, 2006, Bilbray flew to Washington, DC and was sworn in as a member of the United States House of Representatives by House Speaker Dennis Hastert. On or about June 30, 2006, 17 days after Bilbray was sworn in as a member of the House, Mikel Haas, Registrar of San Diego County, officially completed the audit of election results required for certification, and officially certified the election of Bilbray over Busby based on 163,931 votes cast, of which 2,053 votes were said to be cast on Diebold TSX touchscreens, and the remainder scanned via Diebold Accuvote OS computers.

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The Gay Cabal In Congress — Good Grief

One of the right wing nut jobs is Cliff Kincaid at a group inaccurately called, Accuracy In Media.” This idiot has decided that their is a network of gay democrats that have, over many years, infiltrated the Republican Party and the staff of the Congressional Leadership. I kid you not, this idiot has decided the Mark Foley issue is part of a Democratic dirty trick that’s been in the works for years.

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