A Time For Anger, A Call To Action

I have come across the continent to talk to you about two subjects close to my heart. I care about them as a journalist, a citizen and a grandfather who looks at the pictures next to my computer of my five young grandchildren who do not have a vote, a lobbyist in Washington, or the means to contribute to a presidential candidate. If I don’t act in their behalf, who will?

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James Dobson Too Big a Coward to Debate Evangelical Agenda

A struggle for control of the evangelical agenda intensified this week, with some leaders declaring that the focus has strayed too far from their signature battles against abortion and gay rights.

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Randy Thomas Still Does Not Understand Hate Crimes

Slow learners, that bunch. Exodus Vice President Randy Thomas is at it again, spreading his total misunderstanding about how hate crimes legislation works. Well, near total anyway. He now acknowledges that hate crimes laws cannot infringe on speech in America, but he’s still worried about some sort of slippery slope effect.

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Fighting Gays and Abortion More Important Than Saving the World

You heard right. Apparently conversative Christian leaders are mad at the Government Affairs guy for the National Association of Evangelicals (yep, the one Ted Haggard used to head). They seem to think fighting against equal rights for gay people and opposing abortion are more important than saving the world from blowing itself up.

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Ted Haggard Cured in Three Weeks

This just in from the Denver Post. Ted Haggard is not gay! Haggard, who is apparently ready to jet off to Iowa or Missouri to become a psychologist, told a four-member oversight board that after three weeks of intense counseling he is now “completely heterosexual” and that “his sexual contact with men was limited to his accuser” according to one of the pastors on that board. Amazing. And James Dobson said it would take 4 or 5 years!

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Latest Study Reveals Actual Cause of Homosexuality – Coors Beer

Myself and another person with whom I work have recently conducted our own scientific study (scientific at least to the extent of most of the radical rights requirements), and we’ve determined that the cause of homosexuality must be Coors Beer. Well actually, that’s not completely true…it’s the Colorado Rocky Mountain Spring Water.

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Now I'm Confused About the Cause of Homosexuality

I’ve written previously about how Robert Knight, the male head of Concerned Women for America, had determined that drinking Orange Juice is the cause of homosexuality. Now it seems that James Rutz, chairman of Megashift Ministries and founder-chairman of Open Church Ministries, has determined that soy bean products are the cause of queerness. Can someone clear this up for me?

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Love Isn’t Better Than a Male and Female Couple

I found one of the most despicable and disturbing quote to be from Carrie Gordon Earll, (not surprisingly) a policy analyst for the conservative Christian ministry Focus on the Family. According to Ms. Earll, it’s just not important whether or not the child is loved, so long as it is born to a heterosexual couple. Said Ms. Earll, “Love can’t replace a mother and a father.”

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