Peanut Butter proves Creationism

Chuck Missler, a biblical fundamentalist and founder of Koinonia House Ministry, presents what he believes is proof that the theory of evolution isn’t viable – he opens a jar of peanut butter. And because we’ve never found “new life” inside a jar of peanut butter, the entire food industry of the world is proof that evolution just isn’t true.

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I Have The Answer – Disproving Intelligent Design

I don’t know how it occurred to me, but I think I’ve found the answer to completely disspell the myth of Intelligent Design (creationsim). Understand that the raft of scientific evidence supporting evolution has me completely convinced of it’s veracity as a scientific fact. I don’t for a minute believe God created everything in seven days, but it doesn’t hurt my faith one bit. However, we, as member’s of the human race, do test my faith. So consider the theory of creationism from a theological perspective.

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