Kansas Sen Steve Fitzgerald – Douche Bag of the Day

Well, Senator Fitzgerald came to our attention when he was mentioned in an article about yesterday’s Douche Bag of the Day winner. Fitzgerald went on an all too common rant on the Kansas Senate Floor about the “Gay Agenda,” as his argument for a bill allowing funding to adoption agencies that object to placing children with LGBT couples.

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Republican Tom Cox of KS – Douche Bag Award Winner

This one is just kind of outside our usual realm of notice, but we decided his action was just deplorable enough to warrant recognition with our Douche Bag of the Day award. Republican Tom Cox is a member of the Kansas house of Representatives representing the Shawnee-Lake Quivira district of good old KS, and he underhandedly changed his vote to make it possible for adoption agencies in KS to receive state funds AND discriminate against LGBT people.

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