Rubio-Scott – Douchebag Award Winners

Rick Scott and Marco Rubio (R(acists)-Florida) have both won individual awards, but will give them a joint award this week thanks to the complicity with Donald Trump’s latest example of naked racism in calling for U.S. Citizen Legislators to “go back where you came from.” I would classify Scott and Rubio as nothing short of medical miracles as they seem able to walk upright without spines.

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Marco Rubio – Handing Out Matches To Arsonists

Early last week Little Marco Rubio got another Douche Bag of the Day Award. He won it for a tone-deaf email sent out about the extremism of Democrats on the day the bombs made by a Trump supporter were being delivered to their targets. Today’s award is for a tweet where he tries to defend and cover for his Dear Leader’s violent rhetoric.

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Marco Rubio – Douche Bag of The Day

Congratulations to Marco as a multiple award winner. This time for a tone-deaf email that went out today, of all days, claiming it’s Democrats who are lacking civility and attacking the fine folks of the Republican persuasion. It’s the classic Republican ploy…if they’re accusing someone else of doing it, you can bet they are the ones doing it.

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How Much An LGBT Life is Worth to Marco Rubio

We supposedly have a representative form of government, carrying out the will of the people. Nearly 90% of Americans are in favor of increased background checks and prohibiting terrorists from buying guns. But I guess 90% isn’t representative enough for Republicans. This being the result of votes on 4 gun control measures in the U.S. Senate last night.

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More From the Uhmerikah Front

Marco Rubio shared a link to a National Review article about the U.N. report on the Catholic Church’s worldwide problem of child abuse. The report, not surprisingly seems to be in favor of said child abuse, and is indignant that the U.N. would have the gall to call out the Catholic Church on its many abuses. Since he’s provided the link on his Facebook page, I have to assume Marco supports that view.

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Republican Craziness Continues-Biking Bad for the Environment

Finally, the Republican craziness rears its ugly head somewhere besides Florida and Virginia. This time, it is Washington State Representative, Ed Orcutt (Republican), who’s firing the next shot in the Republican war on science. Orcutt recently argued that bicycling is equally bad for the environment as driving cars, because when we bike, we breathe out CO2. Wow! The craziness is strong in this one.

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