How Donald Trump Won-“I Don’t Care”

Let me be clear, I do care that Trump won, and I care about determining how this awful destructive force has been unleashed on our once great nation. And I think I have cracked the code. It’s because a lot of Trump supporters just said, “I don’t care.” Certainly people were motivated to vote for Trump for many reasons, but I believe it boils down to suspending their empathy to feed their fear.

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Douche of the Day – Trump Supporters

I’m sure a lot of people are not going to like this, but it needs to be said. No amount of twisted justifications and logical gymnastics can justify supporting Donald Trump for the office of President of the United States. I’d like to say the man is just a joke, but there is nothing laughable about his disposition, nor the way he has managed his life and run his businesses.

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New Presidential Poll at Deep

OK, the field has been narrowed. I suppose many will say it’s really down to Hillary v. Trump, but since I’m supporting Bernie, I’m going to leave him on the list for now (although I concede Secretary Clinton is the presumptive nominee). I also concede that Trump is the presumptive nominee for the Republicans . However, despite some signs the Republicans are resigning themselves to that reality, I’m just not totally convinced they are going to let this happen. I also know Paul Ryan said “no-way,” but the guy is still being talked about.

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Required Campaign and Voting Changes to Save America

I was recently involved in an exchange with someone in a discussion thread about elections, candidates, and what a sad state we’ve reached in this country. We seem no longer interested in extending the right to free and fair elections, but have allowed Republican controlled legislatures and Congress to withdraw that freedom. And that doesn’t even take into account the Republican Clown Car of candidates they’ve posited for President.

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Scary Out There in Republican Land

I respect and would defend everyone’s right to pick the candidate they believe best represents their interests. With that said, I have to tell I’ve moved past being worried to being disgusted at the way some people are deciding on who to vote for, and I am especially looking at Trump’s supporters.

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This Is How It Starts – The Trump Campaign

This is how it starts, we know how it ends. History has taught us, but as too often the case, we have decided to forego the lessons of history. Trump’s campaign has given permission to the racists and xenophobes in this country to take off the masks of civility, and revel in their hate.

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Cruz Goes Even More Crazy

It’s no surprise that Ted Cruz wants an ultra-conservative justice to replaced Antonin Scalia. What is surprising is how much he’s willing to lie about the consequences if that doesn’t happen. (But then again, he’s been lying for Jesus for quite a while now.) On Meet the Press Sunday, Cruz told host Chuck Todd that a liberal justice would mean the end of religious liberty — adding that religious symbols would be “sandblasted off of the tombstones of our fallen veterans”:

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Talking Ted Cruz-Scariest Candidate Running

So, Rafael “Ted” Cruz wants to be President of the United States. That should scare the crap out of any sane person. Ted and his supposed pastor father (I say “supposed” because there is scant evidence of his ever pastoring a church) subscribe to a very dark end-times religious doctrine referred to as Dominionism, and the two of them have decreed that Ted is ordained by God to lead the Government. There is a reason none of the people like him who know him, and there is a very good reason people who find themselves in his presence get a sense of creepiness. But he’s way more than just an unattractive, vindictive demagogue…he’s a downright scary person with a set of religious beliefs that make the most radical Muslim clerics look tame.

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The Snowbillies Reprise

I was going to write about Ted Cruz, but lo’ and behold, the Palin family reappeared. Sarah Palin popped up and tossed up one of the biggest bowls of word salad ever in support of Donald Trump. This coming on the heels of her daughter being sued for child support and shared custody or a second out-of-wedlock child, and her son’s arrest on a range of charges related to firearms and domestic abuse. And, no surprise here, she blames most all of that on Obama.

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Christmas Cup Craziness

By now you’ve likely heard the craziness of some conservatives about Starbuck’s holiday cup design. You’ve probably heard about it because of one idiotic attention whore, who claims to be a pastor, Josh Feurerstein. He apparently managed to finally have a video go viral (trust me, he’s produced some doozies in his efforts to get attention), where he raises a stink about Starbucks, because of their holiday cup design…plain red with their green logo.

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Tony Perkins’ Mouth is Moving, So He’s Lying

It pretty much goes without saying that, if Tony Perkins, head of the Family Research Council (FRC) is talking, he is mostly likely telling a lie. There may be no other group that spends more time perfecting the art of lying for Jesus than the FRC. Having lost the marriage-equality fight, they need a new demon to keep the dollars flowing in (grifters gotta grift), and lying for Jesus pays so well, so Perkins is now after Muslims.

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