News for the Week of January 18, 2008

This is a wrap up of the minor and unusual stories from the news for the week ending Friday, January 18, 2008. Not surprisingly we find some wingnuttery going on in the Virginia State Legislature. A Lakeland police officer “accidentally” unleashes his police dog on a 14 year old girl, and a 13 year old girl robs a Burger King at knifepoint for a cheeseburger.

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And Another Republican Sex Scandal

As Michael at Bloggernista says, it’s been like 20 minutes since the last Repug scandal, so time for a new one. This one is especially delicious since it involves the Texas District Attorney who argued before the U.S. Supreme Court to allow Texass to keep their sodomy law which criminalized homosexuality.

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Two Inauspicious Anniversaries Today

Today marks two auspicious anniversaries. The ACLU is reminding everyone that the national nightmare that is Guantanamo Bay Prison Camp received it’s first detainees six years ago on the 11th, and on the Jan. 10 last year, Bush announced his Troop Surge in Iraq. Which has reduced violence some, but has not accomplished it’s actual stated goal.

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News Brief for the Week of January 11, 2008

It’s shaping up as an interesting week for odd ball news. So far we have a 71 year old carrying a night stick at the airport to keep away “fresh” hands, our Florida Legislature hard at work protecting us from bestiality and baggy pants, and a real life Weekend At Bernies….and that’s just for starters.

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Republicans Naked Fear of Single Party Government

This is a clip of Chris Matthews talking with Club For Growth’s Pat Toomey and Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins about the divisions within the Republican Party. All they seem to able to discuss is how most of the Rethug candidates aren’t conservative enough.

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FBI Gets Wiretaps Cut for Non-Payment

It seems the big telecom companies (you remember, the ones wanting immunity for assisting Dick Cheney and King George in their illegal wiretapping scheme because of the dire consequences to national security), have been having to cut off the phone lines providing wiretap information to the feds because the FBI can’t pay their bills on time.

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I'm Sure Glad the Primaries Are Over

Well, I guess they’re not, but you’d think the election was all but over given the importance the news channels gave to the Iowa Caucus this week. A couple hundred thousand people voted, and you’d think we could hold the conventions next week given the hoopla given this one caucus by the 24 hour news channels.

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Vermont Activists Want Bush Arrested

I just may have to move to Vermont. According to a report on CNN, a group in Brattleboro is petitioning to put an item on a town meeting agenda in March that would make Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney subject to arrest and indictment if they visit the southeastern Vermont community.

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Family Values Huckabee Squashes Charges His Son Killed a Dog

It seems that Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee has a little bit of a Michael Vick problem. He’s apparently worked to cover up the fact that his then 18 year old son and another teenager got fired from working at a Boy Scout Camp back in 1998. Seems they caught a stray dog, hung it, slit its throat, and stoned it for good measure.

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