How Much An LGBT Life is Worth to Marco Rubio

We supposedly have a representative form of government, carrying out the will of the people. Nearly 90% of Americans are in favor of increased background checks and prohibiting terrorists from buying guns. But I guess 90% isn’t representative enough for Republicans. This being the result of votes on 4 gun control measures in the U.S. Senate last night.

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Wayne LaPierre-Douche-Bag of The Day

Let it never be said that NRA Chief, Wayne LaPierre, let a gun massacre go by without encouraging the sell of even more guns. Yes folks, this douche-bag, just a week from the worst gun massacre is out selling the false narrative that this was a terrorist attack, and they are coming for you, so you’d better buy more guns.

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Tony Perkins-Daily Douche-Bag Award

I’m guessing it wouldn’t be hard to find a reason to just give this award to Tony just about everyday, but it is only fair to spread the love around. Sometimes though, you just have to go with it. So, for blaming the Orlando Massacre on Obama, and Islamic Terrorism, we proud to announce that today’s Daily Douche Bag Award goes to Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council (FRC).

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Thoughts on Orlando

This is something of a stream of thought on my impressions after the Orlando Shooting this weekend. It may not make much sense, and likely isn’t my last word on the subject. But to be clear, this is not some part of international Jihad or terrorism. This is homophobia at it worst, nothing more nor less, and we need to call it that.

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Senator David Perdue–Douche of the Day

Well, for more on God’s gentle loving people, we turn today to a religious conference held last week in Georgia. Republican Senator from Georgie, David Perdue, discussed praying in imprecatory prayer against the President. Since the Senator thinks that’s a good idea, we’re giving him our Douche of the Day award.

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New Presidential Poll at Deep

OK, the field has been narrowed. I suppose many will say it’s really down to Hillary v. Trump, but since I’m supporting Bernie, I’m going to leave him on the list for now (although I concede Secretary Clinton is the presumptive nominee). I also concede that Trump is the presumptive nominee for the Republicans . However, despite some signs the Republicans are resigning themselves to that reality, I’m just not totally convinced they are going to let this happen. I also know Paul Ryan said “no-way,” but the guy is still being talked about.

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Let’s Talk Restrooms…Or Not

I’m getting tired of hearing about and talking about public restrooms. I don’t particularly like having to use them, but I’m sure thankful they’re there sometimes. I suspect most folks feel the same. But alas, the public restroom is under attack. Where once one could go for some semi-private release, it’s now a place where evil-doers and gender-obsessed perverts lurk.

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Required Campaign and Voting Changes to Save America

I was recently involved in an exchange with someone in a discussion thread about elections, candidates, and what a sad state we’ve reached in this country. We seem no longer interested in extending the right to free and fair elections, but have allowed Republican controlled legislatures and Congress to withdraw that freedom. And that doesn’t even take into account the Republican Clown Car of candidates they’ve posited for President.

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Scary Out There in Republican Land

I respect and would defend everyone’s right to pick the candidate they believe best represents their interests. With that said, I have to tell I’ve moved past being worried to being disgusted at the way some people are deciding on who to vote for, and I am especially looking at Trump’s supporters.

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This Is How It Starts – The Trump Campaign

This is how it starts, we know how it ends. History has taught us, but as too often the case, we have decided to forego the lessons of history. Trump’s campaign has given permission to the racists and xenophobes in this country to take off the masks of civility, and revel in their hate.

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