Difference Between Free Speech and Consequences of Speech

Today’s topic is a recent controversy related a pair of twin brothers from Charlotte, Davis and Jason Benham. The Benham brothers made a small fortune flipping homes, and were recently working on a HGTV show. What HGTV didn’t bother to find out was that the brothers have a particularly nasty streak when it comes to gays, abortion rights, and Muslims. When that came to light, that was the end of the show, and the beginning of their cries of persecution…because you know, the Constitution guarantees one the right to a TV show, and freedom from consequences.

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The Evolution Vs Creationism Debate

I finally had a chance to watch the debate between Bill Nye (the Science Guy) and Ken Ham of the Creationism Museum. Ken Ham, and anyone who still believes in creationism should be ashamed. What a sad commentary that we have digressed in this country to the point where we even have to have this discussion.

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Hate Springing Up Like Bluegrass in Kentucky

Kentucky bill just passed by the House would bar government sanctions when individuals, groups and businesses cite religious beliefs in refusing to recognize a marriage or civil union, or to provide goods, services, accommodations or employment benefits to a couple. Anti-discrimination lawsuits also would be barred.

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Ms Perkin’s Kickers are in a Bunch over Kentucky

Tony Perkins (who has frequently been a speaker at white supremacist meetings) of the Family Research Council (FRC-which got it’s start with a KKK mailing list, and is an SPLC designated hate group), is upset that a judge in Kentucky has apparently that the equal protection clause of the Constitution really does apply in Kentucky, and actually even requires that LGBT people be included in those protections

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Response to Bishop Carter’s Ruling

Last year, I was forced to file a complaint with the Bishop about hateful and dishonest actions by Bruce Toms, the newly appointed Pastor at Palma Ceia United Methodist Church. At the time, I was told by several Methodist Ministers to not have high expectations. That came true, and here is my response to the Bishop’s findings.

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More From the Uhmerikah Front

Marco Rubio shared a link to a National Review article about the U.N. report on the Catholic Church’s worldwide problem of child abuse. The report, not surprisingly seems to be in favor of said child abuse, and is indignant that the U.N. would have the gall to call out the Catholic Church on its many abuses. Since he’s provided the link on his Facebook page, I have to assume Marco supports that view.

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Who’s Really Entitled

The topic of the cognitive dissonance amongst far-right conservatives has been on my mind a lot lately, and was brought to a head a week or so ago in a discussion on Facebook with someone I went to high school with all those many years ago. The point of view of the tea-baggers seems to be that they are entitled to government benefits, but everyone else who ever gets help is a freeloader (a taker).

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Syrian Response Doomed Due to Gays and Pregnant Sailors

According to the AFA’s Sandy Rios, as the Navy begins to put forces in place to support a possible response, they’re not capable because women sailors on naval ships are getting pregnant in exponential numbers,” and of course because there might be a few gay sailors on-board, how can we possibly conduct a military operation.

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Bryan Fischer Wrong Again On Oregon Baker

The latest fabrication from the krazy kristian kooks is that a bakery in Oregon was “forced” to close because of gay marriage. If you read the stories cited by SPLC Designated Hate Group spokesperson, Brian Fischer, the bakery was forced out of business, and equally hateful and dishonest Matt Barber claims they were forced out of business by a “vicious boycott.”

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New Mexico-The Next Big Thing?

Who would have ever thought that New Mexico would become the new nexus for gay rights? A week or so ago, in response to the recent Supreme Court rulings, Dona Ana County Clerk Lynn Ellins started issuing marriage licenses to gay and lesbian couples. As of today, she’s issued approximately 91. And just today, in response to a lawsuit filed by two men, District Judge Sara Singleton issued an order which mandates that Santa Fe County Clerk Geraldine Salazar issue the marriage licenses or appear in court to tell the judge why that shouldn’t happen.

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Brian and Bryan Fail to Understand Constitution

Brian Brown of the anti-gay designated hate group National Organization for Marriage (NOM), and Bryan Fischer of the designated hate group American Family Association (AFA), both have their knickers in a twist over recent court ruling out of New Mexico. In this ruling, the New Mexico Supreme Court ruled against a Albuquerque wedding photographer, Elane Photography who refused to work with a lesbian couple citing her deeply held religious beliefs.

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