Finally Some Good News-Westboro Baptist Found Liable

A Reuters report by John Hurdle reports that the Kansas based Westboro Baptist Church has been ordered to pay $2.9 million in compensatory damages to the family of a gay marine killed in Iraq. They had cheered and protested at his funeral, as they have done at many of the funerals for soldiers killed in the war, claiming it to be God’s vengeance on America for the way it treats them, and for letting gay people live here.

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News Roundup for The Week Ending October 28, 2007

This is a collection of news items for the week ending October 28, 2007. It includes stories of drunken elephants, a necrophilia plot in Citrus County, and a classic trash to treasure story.

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September 11–Six Years Later

The attacks of 9/11 were used to justify the invasion of Iraq, and ever since, Bu$h has been using the mantra to strike fear into the hearts of Americans and ensure continued support of his war. He and Dick have incessantly linked the words “al-Qaida” and “Iraq.” In a recent speech about Iraq, Bush mentioned al-Qaida 95 times. No matter that the insurgents in Iraq are not the same group that attacked the U.S.

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Phelps off to Minnesota

This guy just never stops. “Rev.” Fred Phelps and his flock will be going to Minnesota to protest at the funerals of the victims of the bridge collapse. Phelps has decided that God made the bridge collapse he hates America and he especially hates Minnesota because of it’s tolerance for gay people.

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