Religious Right Uses VA Tech Killings to Slam Gays

Special place in hell for these homophobes. Ex-“American Family Association” attorney Joe Murray rips the religious right for their un-Christian level of hate. Joe’s article is brilliant and difficult to excerpt, so here’s a large chunk – read the entire thing:

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VA Tech Shootings-My Perspective

Let me start by extending my heartfelt sympathy to the students and staff at VA Tech, and the parents and friends of all those killed and injured in that horrible string of events. It is something that will certainly give us pause, and hopefully cause us to once again reflect on fragility of life.

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Lee Iacocca Blasts Bush.

Am I the only guy in this country who’s fed up with what’s happening? Where the hell is our outrage? We should be screaming bloody murder. We’ve got a gang of clueless bozos steering our ship of state right over a cliff, we’ve got corporate gangsters stealing us blind, and we can’t even clean up after a hurricane much less build a hybrid car. But instead of getting mad, everyone sits around and nods their heads when the politicians say, “Stay the course.”

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Destroying Freedom

George Christian, executive director of Library Connection, a consortium of 27 libraries in the Hartford, Conn., area, has, since 2005, been fighting a National Security letter request from the FBI for subscription information on patrons of the library system. Because of the way the PATRIOT Act is written, he was only recently, through a court order, un-gagged to be able to testify to Congress about the experience.

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Watch List Datamart

The master list the federal government keeps of known and suspected terrorists, from which other government agencies derive their own watch lists, already hundreds of thousands of names large, is growing out of control, filling with “fragmentary,” “inconsistent” and “sometimes just flat-out wrong” information, a top counterterrorism official said.

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Peanut Butter proves Creationism

Chuck Missler, a biblical fundamentalist and founder of Koinonia House Ministry, presents what he believes is proof that the theory of evolution isn’t viable – he opens a jar of peanut butter. And because we’ve never found “new life” inside a jar of peanut butter, the entire food industry of the world is proof that evolution just isn’t true.

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Blog Against Theocracy

A blogswarm has been organized to use the 2007 Easter season to write articles about the separation of church and state. Regular readers of this site know that I stand firmly on the principles of that separation, and believe it is an important tenant of our democracy (such as it is). Therefore, I’m participating by offering this article.

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