If Hastert Has To Resign The Terrorists Win

I guess you might think I’m doing a parody, but you’d be wrong. So help me, the Republican Congressional Leadership is spinning so hard right now, I think they have made themselves dizzy. In one of the most bizarre “spins” of this whole Foley episode, House Speaker Denny Hastert has managed to blame it all on “terrorists.”

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So Long To The Constitution

What Bush is doing in the run-up to the midterm elections is a disgrace equal to any other scandal of his nasty, incipiently despotic, regime. Using the hallowed anniversary of 9/11, he has demanded Congress pass a law that enables the major terrorist suspects, until now held in CIA secret prisons all over the world, to be transferred and tried at Guantanamo.

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Wack Job Katherine Harris At It Again

Katherine Harris, as quoted in the Florida Baptist Witness: Separation of church and state is “a lie we have been told,” Harris said in the interview, published Thursday, saying separating religion and politics is “wrong because God is the one who chooses our rulers.” “If you’re not electing Christians, then in essence you are going to legislate sin,” Harris said.

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Tons of Teenagers Classified as Mentally Ill Through Government Program

Have or know a teenager in school? A controversial government sponsored program called ‘TeenScreen’ asks your kid a few questions and determines if they are a suicide risk or not. A high percentage winds up on psychicatric drugs. Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD testifies for State of Georgia about this.

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