Louie Gohmert-History Professor

Well, you had to know it wouldn’t take long for Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas, naturally) to earn our Daily Douche award. (I can imagine Louie becoming the reigning champion.) So Louie, ever obsessed with illegal aliens, now has a solution for the child refugees fleeing the drug wars in their Central American home countries. Louie thinks we should invade Mexico just like John Pershing did in pursuing Pancho Villa (so successfully).

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Daily Douche-Sen. Brandon Smith (R-Mars)

For the life of me, I can’t understand this complete aversion to science that is so de rigueur with Republicans, but they sure are riding it for all it’s worth. Most recently we have Kentucky State Senator Brandon Smith denying global warming by claiming that the Earth and Mars have the same temperature. It will come as no surprise when you learn that the good Senator owns a coal company.

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Daily Douche – Mac Butner

I was thinking about starting this new series, as yesterday seemed to bubble to the surface a rash of people and organizations deserving of the “douche” designation. So the morning started with me thinking about who to feature first, and then a few items down in my Facebook stream, what do I find but an article about Malcom “Mac” Butner the appointed chairman of the Rowan County Housing Authority, and Republican extraordinaire. It seems Mac has been busy on his Facebook wall lately. I’d say it makes him Republican Presidential material.

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Tony Perkins-Lying Even More

We’re going to give Tony Perkins our Daily Douche award two days in a row. On Sunday, he appeared on the usually friendly Faux News Sunday to discuss the evils of marriage equality. Unfortunately, Ms. Perkins brought her pen knife intellect to a gun fight with a constitutional law heavy weight Ted Olson, a Republican lawyer and gay marriage advocate,, and hilarity ensues.

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Dominionism in Schools-A Warning

Conservative Professor Warren Throckmorton tips us to a back-end method to get dominionist views into the schools. David Whitney, receiving today’s Daily Douche award, is head of the “Institute On The Constitution (IOTC),” and is working to form, in schools across the country, deceptively named “American Clubs.” You should know that Whitney teaches that only born again Christians should be citizens, and that civil government should worship God according to their dominionist ideas.

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More of God’s Love from Ron Baity of North Carolina

We LGBT people have lots of power. Have you all noticed that? We can bring about fires, floods, hurricanes, and even, according to Jerry Falwell, the 9/11 terrorist attacks. We, LGBT people, have managed to turn Uhmerika into a dictatorship ruled by a bunch of people in black robes. Well, not it turns out, we are now able to bring about Ebola. At least that’s what Ron Baity of the Berean Baptist Church in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

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Science vs Jindal

Well, Bobby Jindal succeeds, yet again, in making an idiot of himself. He apparently decided that he should tell President Obama what the President should and shouldn’t say during his visit to New Orleans. An article on Think Progress discusses Jindal’s fear that actual facts and science might be discussed in Louisiana this week.

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Scott Lively Loves Him Some Nazis

Scott Lively is an attorney who heads up something called the “Abiding Truth Ministries.” He’s risen to some prominence lately by taking his message of hate and bigotry towards LGBT people international. He found an especially receptive audience in Ugandan government officials, and helped pass anti-gay legislation which called for the death penalty for homosexual acts. His latest screed on World Nut Daily uses the same tired claims.

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Wayne LaPierre-Douche-Bag of The Day

Let it never be said that NRA Chief, Wayne LaPierre, let a gun massacre go by without encouraging the sell of even more guns. Yes folks, this douche-bag, just a week from the worst gun massacre is out selling the false narrative that this was a terrorist attack, and they are coming for you, so you’d better buy more guns.

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Lawrence S. Mayer and Paul R. McHugh – Douchebags of the Day

It’s not a tie; they worked together to create some bullshit “research” to say that LGBT people aren’t really LGB or T. Ryan Anderson, the principal homocon at the right-wing Heritage Foundation is all atwitter about a study, “Sexuality and Gender: Findings from the Biological, Psychological, and Social Sciences,” published in the “New Atlantis Journal.” It is just another of those studies, like the Regnerus study of a few years ago, where anti-equality groups bought and paid for a particular result.

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Douche Bag of the Day- Bret Whipple

So who the hell is Bret Whipple you are probably asking. Well Bret is Cliven Bundy’s attorney (which makes him sleazy enough to earn the prize, but wait, there’s more). Bret, in court filings tried to claim that Bundy and his band of scofflaws were no different from the civil rights marchers of Selma, Alabama. Let that sink in for a minute.

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