Cruelty as Governance: Ron DeSantis and Florida’s Agenda of Injustice

John Rawls once wrote, “A bad man desires arbitrary power, but an evil man delights in injustice.” This distinction resonates deeply when examining the actions of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and the Republican-dominated legislature over the past six years. Their political maneuvers reveal a pattern not merely of consolidating power but of inflicting harm and exploiting the vulnerable—actions that seem to derive satisfaction from the suffering of others. This is not governance; it is cruelty institutionalized.

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Rick Wiles Tries to Out-Crazy Lance Wallnau

As I posted Yesterday, “Pastor” Lance Wallnau was saying Trump should, like other dictators, be able to kill his opponents. Well, I guess “Pastor” Rike Wiles didn’t like Wallnau getting all the attention, so he’s now claiming that Democrats will “slaughter” tens of thousands of Christians if they win the midterm elections.

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Pat Robertson-Douche-Bag of The Day

Should come as no surprise that Pat Robertson couldn’t pass up the Orlando Massacre as an opportunity to spill some of his hateful bile around the TV. Layering a Muslim, trying to claim he was a terrorist, on top of a massacre of LGBT young people on top of Trump’s America, and it’s hard not to have a “Christian Leader” each day as the douche-bag of the day. Some Republicans are vying for the honor, but since it’s Sunday, let’s go with religion, and so, for thinking Muslims and Gays should be left alone to kill each other, here’s our Douche-bag of the Day Award for Pat Robertson.

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Roger Jiminez–Daily Douche-bag Award Winner

There’s plenty of bile bubbling up out of the bowels of fundamentalist Christianity in the west over the shooting in Orlando. one of the most hateful is Roger Jiminez of Sacramento, California’s Verity Baptist Church, who said, “As a Christian, we shouldn’t be mourning the death of 50 sodomites. Let me go ahead and start right there. As a Christian, we shouldn’t be sad or upset.”

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Franklin Graham–Today’s Daily Douche-Bag Award

Right now, it’s pretty hard to decide who to give our Douche-bat of the Day Award. There are just so many people vying for the honor, with lots of pastors leading the pack. Some awful things have been said in “Jesus’ name,” and we’ll get to those, but I decided to pull out Franklin Graham from that deck first.

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Rep. Steve King, Talking Lawnmowers and The Baker Act

It worries and embarrasses me the idiocy I see in too many of our elected officials, and making it worse is the knowledge we elect them, and keep re-electing them. Evangelicals and Conservatives, especially Republican conservatives seem to try to out-stupid each other, and the rhetoric has simply crossed a line, especially on the gay marriage issue. Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa[they should be really proud]) provides a ton of grist for the stupid mill, and I think his latest, were he anyone else, would qualify him for a Baker Act petition.

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Family Group Hates Anti-Bullying Campaigns

Bob Kellogg, a reported for the SPLC designated hate group, American Family Association, has published an article about Laurie Higgins campaign against GLSEN’s anti-bullying campaign. Every expert says that to have an impact, these initiatives have to name the kinds bullying one wants to stop, but God’s gentle person, Laurie, doesn’t want LGBT students mentioned as targets. I can only assume that means, since she has no training or expertise in the topic, that she wants to reserve the right to bully LGBT students.

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More Craziness from Kentucky

It’s not hard to cast Kentucky as a backassword state when they do things like pass a “religious freedoms” law which has no intent other than to allow people to discriminate against LGBT people in cities where non-discrimination regulations have been passed. In order for the bill to be more palatable, the legislators involved in this little scheme made it clear they were targeting gay rights. This was to make the people of Kentucky take their eye off the underlying scope of this bill.

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The Hate is Just Dripping

Once again we see an example of God’s gentle loving people. What a shamed that this is supposed to be the face of Christianity, and people wonder why younger folks remain spiritual, but are leaving the church in droves. Well, here it is.See what hate hath wrought with Charles L. Worley of Providence Road Baptist Church in Maiden, North Carolina.

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The Crazy from N.C…Please Make it Stop

So this GOP State Senator James Forrester who is supposedly a medical doctor (fortunately the sick in his town he’s retired). The batshittery is beyond belief and goes on and on as this blow hard is caught in lie after lie as he tries to conceal the animous on which the anti-gay hate bill was based. He was the primary sponsor. I warn you, the blatant idocy could make you want to puncture your ear drums.

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Tony Perkins’ Head Explodes After New York Marriage Vote

I admit to being a little late on this one, but head of SPLC designated hate group Family Research Council, Tony Perkins, is just all atwitter about marriage equality passing in New York State. Get this, he’s deeply concerned the law doesn’t “protect” deeply religious “divorce lawyers.” If, as Perkins and the other haters claim, they are just in this to “protect marriage,” why would there be any such thing as a “deeply religious divorce lawyer.” Wouldn’t their deeply held beliefs prohibit them enabling any divorce?

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