The Concealed Hand: Why Donors to Conservative Causes Like the Foundation for Government Accountability Prefer Anonymity

In the world of political donations and nonprofit funding, transparency often takes a backseat to privacy, particularly among those who fund conservative organizations like the Foundation for Government Accountability (FGA). While public records show that millions of dollars flow into these groups from donor-advised funds (DAFs) and other anonymous sources, the lack of transparency raises a crucial question: Why do contributors choose to remain in the shadows rather than proudly stand by the work they fund?

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Resuming Rants

There was a brief restaurant review posted earlier this year. The last post before that was a movie review (The Whale). A lot has transpired in my world over the past few months, and I think I am ready to get back to trying to post more or less regularly. The highlight reel looks a bit like this:

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2022 Election – Board of County Commissioners District 5

This one is an easy one. I have no reason to think that Cepeda’s candidacy is anything more than an attempt to grab attention and advance some MAGA Christian Nationalist agenda, which Commissioner Smith has demonstrated her understanding of the issues important for a county commission to address, and can build a coalition to get things done. Keep Hillsborough County safe from an unhinged MAGA agenda, and vote for Mariella Smith.

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2022 Election – Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners District 1

I had one of the most interesting candidate conversations I think I have ever had around this race. I had a long conversation with Scott D. Levinson, the Republican running for the seat. This is where it got interesting. He seems to be very socially progressive, to the point I eventually said, “Scott, you need not be telling people this. You may get kicked out of the Republican party. But the thing is, Harry gave me an appointment when he was a member of the City Council and heard me out on some contractor behavior issues we were having in the neighborhood.

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2022 Election – County Court Judge District 14

During the Primary Election, no one got a majority for this seat, so this contest is between Melissa Black and Eilam “Mike” Isaak. I spoke with Mrs. Black/Cordon during the primary. Mr. Isaak didn’t return the call then. He subsequently did, but I’m still recommending Melissa Black.

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Our Ian Experience

I’ve communicated directly with many folks, but I thought I would briefly summarize our Experience with Ian. This one was no fun (not that any of them are), and we avoided a major catastrophe here in the Tampa Bay area, but at the expense of Fort Myers, Port Charlotte, Sanibel, and points south of us. This is kind of my summary of our experience with Ian.

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Florida’s Constitutional Ballot Initiatives

I keep saying how there are too many things in the Florida Constitution that should be handled by the legislature, but since they won’t, and Florida voters keep electing people based on whom they hate rather than who will work for them, this is how voters get what they want. So here we go. I’m voting “No” to all three.

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I’m Back

So, this is my first post in a very long time. A lot has happened since that last post in October of 2020. That one was about local candidates and my recommendations. The intervening years was just too turbulent for me, and I know my posts would be mostly rants and filled with gloom and doom. We still face a lot of the problems coming out of the past couple of years, and I’m sure I’ll be ranting a lot, but it is time to get back into the game.

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