Vitter Has Double Standard-Big Suprise There, He's a Senator

Senator David Vitter is the United States Senator who was on the phone records for the D.C. Madame. He went into exclusion for a while, then came to give a brief statement, have his wife pimp for him, and then duck out the back door as if nothing had happened. It was a pretty shameful display.

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Holsinger Confirmation Hearings

Some of you may know that James Holsinger has been nominated by Bush to be Surgeon General. So who is this goober (and a goober he is)? He’s the chairperson of the Methodist Supreme Judicial Committee that ruled it was OK for a Methodist minister to keep a gay person from joining his church.

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Passengers Have Rights Too

Bruce Brendlin was arrested in 2001 for drug possession after a car in which he was a passenger was stopped by Yuba City police. The State had conceded there was no basis for the original vehicle stop, so Brendlin had argued that the drug evidence should be suppressed. The Associated Press is reporting that the Supreme Court has ruled that passengers in automobiles have the same Constitutional protections from illegal searches.

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Durham DA-May Have Announced Resignation

I only caught the tail end of the report, but it appears, based on what I was hearing on WRAL that in a statement in his State Bar hearing, Durham DA Nifong announced that he was going to step down as DA. According to the WRAL reporter, he was “nearly in tears.”

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A Little Habeas for Your Corpus

Wow, the courts have sure been busy lately. They given us lots of fun stuff to cover. Let’s see what we have:

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Thought Crimes? Oh Really

There is a story making the rounds you can expect to see the religious right latch onto in their desperate attempts to paint the pending Hate Crimes Legislation as something that will make “thoughts” illegal. They’re even calling it the “Thought Crimes” Bill. This is about the case of a 16-year-old teen in Crystal Lake, Illinois who was arrested for passing out a flyer?

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Miracle on DOJ Street

Steve Benen, in a post at Crooks and Liars makes an excellent point about the U.S. Attorney firings. It seems that all these high ranking Justice Department officials have been asked who created the list of the U.S. Attorneys to be fired, and none of them know. I guess given Bush’s divine dispensation, it just floated down from heaven.

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