No Gun Control Unless You Are Anti-Choice

And here’s one of the latest anti-gun control arguments I was presented with today. Apparently, my opinion on the steps I thought might help reduce the gun carnage in America doesn’t count unless I’m willing to certify that I am against abortion. Are those people fucking serious? I mean did the guy who tried that not have a clue about how easy that would be to stand on its head?

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A Good Guy With a Gun Stopped a Shooting?

The big news yesterday was yet another possible school shooting. This time a 17-year-old brought a Glock handgun to Great Mills High school in Maryland. Fortunately, he only wounded two people. The ammosexuals have been fetishizing the incident because supposedly a “good guy with a gun” stopped a shooting. Except, that is not what happened.

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That Law Wouldn’t Have Stopped….Another More Guns Argument

The NRA has trained well their minions. One of the most common arguments after every mass shooting is, well a waiting period wouldn’t have stopped; an age restriction wouldn’t have helped in this situation; or a determined person will get a gun. No one regulation will stop all shootings (with the clear inference that means there should be no regulations).

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The Law-Abiding Gun Owner Argument

I want to address a specific argument I keep hearing in gun debates by those opposing any sensible gun regulation. There are many and frankly most are nonsensical, but maybe two of the ones that make the least sense and I hear most often are about how we just need to enforce the laws already on the books, and any additional regulations will just “harm” “law-abiding gun owners.”

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Rep. Tim Murphy – Douche-Bag of The Day

If Republicans have any real principles, it is hypocrisy. They never seem to have any problem accepting money to advance whatever culture war issue or policy and imposing it on everyone else, while doing just the opposite in their personal lives. It seems that Rep. Tim Murphy (R-PA), couldn’t avoid a little adultery, and some violation of the “sanctity of the unborn child.”

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Pat Robertson – Douche-bag of the Day

Pat Robertson is yet another of those folks who could make a daily appearance on the Douche Bag of The Day channel, instead, he plys his BS on CBN. The latest is his attempt to blame the Las Vegas shooting on disrespect for his butt-buddy, Donald Trump (there’s an image I’ll have trouble getting out of my mind) and the National Anthem.

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Douche Bag of the Day- Bret Whipple

So who the hell is Bret Whipple you are probably asking. Well Bret is Cliven Bundy’s attorney (which makes him sleazy enough to earn the prize, but wait, there’s more). Bret, in court filings tried to claim that Bundy and his band of scofflaws were no different from the civil rights marchers of Selma, Alabama. Let that sink in for a minute.

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Douche Bag of the Day-Donald Trump

There aren’t many days I couldn’t give Trump this award, so I try to save it for the more egregious occasions (which, again, could be almost daily). He gets it to day for his response to the humanitarian crisis in Puerto Rico. Apparently, he believes they don’t deserve help because they are in debt. (Here’s a mirror Don, how many times have you been bailed out?)

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Julie Gunlock – Douche Bag of the Day

I haven’t been awarding these much lately, well, because with the Trump Administration, there would be just too many ties each day. But I thought that Julie Gunlock, senior fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum, deserved special recognition for some things she said on a recent edition of Fox and Friends.

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Stepping Into The Confederate Statue Debate

Well, I suppose it won’t come as a surprise to anyone that I’m going to step into the debate about Confederate statues. It has obviously become something of a lightening rod after the incidents in Charlottesville, VA last weekend. I am seeing what too often happens, and it started with Trump’s tweets. There is this effort to try to claim there are two-sides to this, and that everyone is at fault, so the White Supremacists are not at fault…or something like that.

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