Another "Storm" Over Tampa

Famed homophobic bigot and all around sex-obsessed Hillsborough County Commissioner Rhonda Storms has called for a referendum on nudity. I can’t tell if she wants more of it or less, but having seen her ass in a pair of pants…I’m hoping less. In keeping with her past MO, she sprung this on the other Commissioners without warning.

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This Week's Stupid Is As Stupid Does

It appears that, along with Bill O’Reilly, the Right Wingnut organization, American Family Association is threatening boycotts and complaining because some companies are using “Happy Holidays” in their advertising instead of “Merry Christmas.” If these goof-balls really gave a shit about observing the holiday, the real issue would be forcing these stores to actually close in observance of the holiday so their employees can enjoy one day off each year.

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Jewish Leader Says "Bigoted" Religious Right Promotes Policies Akin to Hitler's

Get ready for the war of words – this Jewish leader is going to need our support, because he’s right, Hitler DID start with the gays, and the religious right and conservatives in America seem to have taken a page out of the playbook of every effective dictator in the past – slowly use the law to legislate your political opponents, especially minorities, out of existence. You start with their basic human rights, then end up getting rid of them.

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Alito's America A Scary Place

I might as well get a post about Bush’s Supreme Court Nominee out of the way. In bowing to the religious fanatics on the right, he’s pretty much sealed the fate of our Constitutional rights to be left alone by the government.

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What Democrats Stand For

What do Democrats stand for? It seems a common refrain, or assumption, that Democrats do not have an overall theme or narrative, and I will certainly agree that the party as a whole does a rather bad job of articulating the message. But it lodged in my brain, and after a half hour of thought I realized that I, at least, know what I stand for. And it’s not complicated.

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You Had To See This One Coming (Pun Intended)

Well, this should come as no surprise to anyone. Pat Robertson is now suggesting that the recent rash of natural disasters could be a signal of end times. Its always amazed me that the return of Christ to begin his thousand year reign of love and heavan on earth would be heralded by the death and destruction of millions of innocent individuals.

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