Pat Robertson – Douche-bag of the Day

Pat Robertson is yet another of those folks who could make a daily appearance on the Douche Bag of The Day channel, instead, he plys his BS on CBN. The latest is his attempt to blame the Las Vegas shooting on disrespect for his butt-buddy, Donald Trump (there’s an image I’ll have trouble getting out of my mind) and the National Anthem.

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Pat Robertson-Douche-Bag of The Day

Should come as no surprise that Pat Robertson couldn’t pass up the Orlando Massacre as an opportunity to spill some of his hateful bile around the TV. Layering a Muslim, trying to claim he was a terrorist, on top of a massacre of LGBT young people on top of Trump’s America, and it’s hard not to have a “Christian Leader” each day as the douche-bag of the day. Some Republicans are vying for the honor, but since it’s Sunday, let’s go with religion, and so, for thinking Muslims and Gays should be left alone to kill each other, here’s our Douche-bag of the Day Award for Pat Robertson.

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An Open Letter to Anti-Gay “Christians”

Unfortunately, as gay people are less afraid to hide in a stifling closet, and are demanding that they be accorded the same rights as every other American, the heads of the leaders of the evangelical branch of the christian right are exploding. They are ratcheting up the rhetoric to a disturbing level, and some of their language is most certainly designed to evoke a violent response by unstable people who follow them. So, I’d like to drop them a note.

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Keep America Beautiful

Over at One News Now (an ultra-conservative non-news outlet), they published another story this week trying to refute the idea of Global Warming, with what may be the most absurd argument yet. Christians are called to believe that the earth is the creation of God and is a gift given to humans for our care and nurturing. I believe that responsible Christians are especially called on to protect the environment and all in it. So why have so many so-called Christian Leaders and Organizations seen fit to argue over the nuances of data collection instead of concerning themselves with the deterioration of the environment and the ever increasing cost of energy? To whom are they beholding?

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