A Good Guy With a Gun Stopped a Shooting?

The big news yesterday was yet another possible school shooting. This time a 17-year-old brought a Glock handgun to Great Mills High school in Maryland. Fortunately, he only wounded two people. The ammosexuals have been fetishizing the incident because supposedly a “good guy with a gun” stopped a shooting. Except, that is not what happened.

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That Law Wouldn’t Have Stopped….Another More Guns Argument

The NRA has trained well their minions. One of the most common arguments after every mass shooting is, well a waiting period wouldn’t have stopped; an age restriction wouldn’t have helped in this situation; or a determined person will get a gun. No one regulation will stop all shootings (with the clear inference that means there should be no regulations).

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Cars Kill People Too – Another Gun Argument

One of the most common arguments I have seen thrown around to do nothing about gun violence is “Well cars kill people too, let’s ban cars.” I suppose one can dismiss this argument out-of-hand for its stupidity, but I want to play along with them. I’m not sure they understand what they’re doing when they compare guns with cars. I’d actually very much like to treat guns and gun-safety much as we do with cars.

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The Law-Abiding Gun Owner Argument

I want to address a specific argument I keep hearing in gun debates by those opposing any sensible gun regulation. There are many and frankly most are nonsensical, but maybe two of the ones that make the least sense and I hear most often are about how we just need to enforce the laws already on the books, and any additional regulations will just “harm” “law-abiding gun owners.”

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Is The Left To Blame for Today’s Shootings?

I think the shooter, combined with the ready availability of guns, is to blame for today’s shooting. Of course, in their usual fashion, Republicans rush to blame anyone but themselves. Gabbie Giffords, herself a victim of an assassination attempt made a post today expressing her sorrow and support. The ammo-sexuals didn’t take kindly to her kindness. Rand Paul forgot to delete his tweet explaining the Second Amendment was there for people to shoot government officials, and a Georgia Congressman would have taken care of it himself if he’d only been allowed to have a gun.

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How Much An LGBT Life is Worth to Marco Rubio

We supposedly have a representative form of government, carrying out the will of the people. Nearly 90% of Americans are in favor of increased background checks and prohibiting terrorists from buying guns. But I guess 90% isn’t representative enough for Republicans. This being the result of votes on 4 gun control measures in the U.S. Senate last night.

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Wayne LaPierre-Douche-Bag of The Day

Let it never be said that NRA Chief, Wayne LaPierre, let a gun massacre go by without encouraging the sell of even more guns. Yes folks, this douche-bag, just a week from the worst gun massacre is out selling the false narrative that this was a terrorist attack, and they are coming for you, so you’d better buy more guns.

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Good Guy With a Gun-Myth Debunked

There’s much I can say about the massacre in Orlando, and will write more about that after some reflection, but this one topic was too clear and obvious to require any reflection. It is time to end the NRA claim about how a “good-guy-with-a-gun” will rush in and save the day, if only there’s one around. This NRA meme needs to come off the table. It doesn’t work. If more guns and less gun control make us safer, this America should be the safest place on earth, and we all know it ain’t.

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Five Year Old Shoots and Kills Two Year Old Sister

This story, just based on the headline is a sad enough story. According to a story on UPI from Cumberland County Kentucky (where else), “Caroline Starks, 2, was shot and killed by her 5-year-old brother while he was playing with a .22-caliber rifle he’d been given as a gift.” Young kids can get their hands on lots of things they shouldn’t have, but that’s not the case here. And it’s what makes this story all the more sad.

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