Christian Author Says Liberals Hate 100 Things-I Respond to Each

I know the headline comes as a surprise to you, but Right Wing Watch has called attention to an article by some Christian author who, on Charisma News, posted a list of 100 things we Liberals hate about America. I had to read the list, and, of course, since it’s me, I have to comment on it. So let’s just roll right through this list.

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More Nissan Issues

I’ve posted before about the unusually high number of issues I’ve had with my supposedly New 2016 Nissan Rogue. Since purchasing, they’ve had to make a number of significant repairs including, replacing one of the power lift gate cylinders, the steering column, three replacements of seat trim piece that keep braking, and those are the major items. If you’ve been following, you’ll also know my experience with Courtesy Nissan here in Tampa hasn’t been good.

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Rick Baker Still Has An Issue With LGBT People

So Rick Baker has decided he wants to be Mayor of St. Petersburg again. The problem is, the guy may be full of more crap than Donald Trump. One of his biggest issues is how he has treated the very large and active LGBT community in St. Pete. During all his years as Mayor, he consistently refused to sign a Pride Proclamation, and never once got close to the St. Pete Pride event.

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Nixon and Trump – There is a Difference

It’s impossible to not look at history as the Trump Administration seems to be crumbling under the weight of scandal after scandal. The ties to Russia appear to be growing and becoming more irrefutable. The President and his aids are certainly acting much like people in the Nixon White House leading up to the resignation. The Comey firing is akin to Nixon’s Saturday night massacre. It certainly looks like an attempt to cover it up us underway, and the idea of White House tapes of conversations have been thrown around. But there are differences between the Nixon and Trump Administrations, and that’s what I hope to analyze here.

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How Donald Trump Won-“I Don’t Care”

Let me be clear, I do care that Trump won, and I care about determining how this awful destructive force has been unleashed on our once great nation. And I think I have cracked the code. It’s because a lot of Trump supporters just said, “I don’t care.” Certainly people were motivated to vote for Trump for many reasons, but I believe it boils down to suspending their empathy to feed their fear.

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N.C. Governor Pat McCrory – Douchebag of the Day

A couple of weeks ago, as Hurricane Matthew was churning it’s way up the east coast of Georgie and South Carolina, bearing down on North Carolina, where it ultimately did the most damage, McSquinty was doing what he does best, and whining at a party of bigots.

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Lawrence S. Mayer and Paul R. McHugh – Douchebags of the Day

It’s not a tie; they worked together to create some bullshit “research” to say that LGBT people aren’t really LGB or T. Ryan Anderson, the principal homocon at the right-wing Heritage Foundation is all atwitter about a study, “Sexuality and Gender: Findings from the Biological, Psychological, and Social Sciences,” published in the “New Atlantis Journal.” It is just another of those studies, like the Regnerus study of a few years ago, where anti-equality groups bought and paid for a particular result.

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N.C. Senator Phil Burger – Douche Bag of the Day

North Carolina Senate Majority Leader Phil Burger has his knickers in a bunch because he claims Democratic faculty members at the University of North Carolina out-number Republicans by 12:1. He claims it is because of discriminatory hiring practices. People in the real world know better, so Burger has earned our Douche Bag of The Day Award.

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Douche of the Day – Trump Supporters

I’m sure a lot of people are not going to like this, but it needs to be said. No amount of twisted justifications and logical gymnastics can justify supporting Donald Trump for the office of President of the United States. I’d like to say the man is just a joke, but there is nothing laughable about his disposition, nor the way he has managed his life and run his businesses.

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Why Increase the Minimum Wage?

School starts in Pinellas County this weekend where the nieces go to school. This was the shortened tax-free weekend, so continuing a long-standing tradition, me and Lay took the girls shopping for their school supplies. We’re not rich, but compared to many others, we’re certainly comfortable. However, on the way home we got into a discussion, when Lay asked, “How do people making at or near the minimum wage take care of kids?” I did some quick math in my head, and realized that a person making around $8.00/hour would have to work nearly four hours (half a work day), when you account for taxes, to pay for the school supplies for just one child.

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