Cruelty as Governance: Ron DeSantis and Florida’s Agenda of Injustice

John Rawls once wrote, “A bad man desires arbitrary power, but an evil man delights in injustice.” This distinction resonates deeply when examining the actions of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and the Republican-dominated legislature over the past six years. Their political maneuvers reveal a pattern not merely of consolidating power but of inflicting harm and exploiting the vulnerable—actions that seem to derive satisfaction from the suffering of others. This is not governance; it is cruelty institutionalized.

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Mourn The Time But Stand With Resolve

To foster hope, we must remember the countless individuals working tirelessly for justice, unity, and compassion. These voices may seem drowned out by anger and division, but they are there—teaching our children better ways, forging connections across divides, and laying the groundwork for the future we long for. Change starts small, often unnoticed, but it accumulates and eventually becomes unstoppable.

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The Call to Justice is Urgent

Progressives stand at a critical juncture where the call for justice is louder and more urgent than ever. My faith compels me to see the injustices that surround us and act against them with conviction, guided by Christ’s example of righteous defiance in the face of oppression. While persistence is essential, there are moments when persistence alone is not enough; sometimes, our witness demands a more forceful resistance, a willingness to dismantle the systems that perpetuate inequality and cause harm actively.

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Election 2024 – Hope for Better is All I’ve Got

One of the most frustrating aspects of this election has been watching Republicans continuously out-message Democrats. The GOP has mastered the art of stirring up fear and resentment, delivering simple but powerful narratives that resonate deeply. Instead of speaking to unity and progress, they speak directly to anxieties and frustrations, offering voters someone to blame for every challenge and setback.

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Castor-Rochford U.S. House District 14

Deep recommends Cathy Castor for U.S. House District 14. Rocky Rochford’s campaign warns against socialism, but many of his policies ironically lead to the kind of oligarchic control that limits freedom for most Americans while benefiting the wealthy. Democratic policies, led by Cathy Castor, seek to build a fair society where people have access to healthcare, education, and economic opportunity without being subjected to corporate overreach or authoritarian control. Rather than pushing toward socialism, these policies aim to protect the middle class and uphold democratic values against the real threats of corporate dominance and rising inequality.

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Who Supported the Roll Back of Child Labor Laws in Florida?

The Foundation for Government Accountability (FGA) Played a key roll in the roll back of child labor laws in Florida. They are a conservative think tank based in the United States that focuses on welfare reform, healthcare, and workforce policies along with the Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association. And yes, they are aligned and have received favorable treatment from the DeSantis Administration in regards to disaster relief.

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The Concealed Hand: Why Donors to Conservative Causes Like the Foundation for Government Accountability Prefer Anonymity

In the world of political donations and nonprofit funding, transparency often takes a backseat to privacy, particularly among those who fund conservative organizations like the Foundation for Government Accountability (FGA). While public records show that millions of dollars flow into these groups from donor-advised funds (DAFs) and other anonymous sources, the lack of transparency raises a crucial question: Why do contributors choose to remain in the shadows rather than proudly stand by the work they fund?

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Resuming Rants

There was a brief restaurant review posted earlier this year. The last post before that was a movie review (The Whale). A lot has transpired in my world over the past few months, and I think I am ready to get back to trying to post more or less regularly. The highlight reel looks a bit like this:

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2022 Election – Board of County Commissioners District 5

This one is an easy one. I have no reason to think that Cepeda’s candidacy is anything more than an attempt to grab attention and advance some MAGA Christian Nationalist agenda, which Commissioner Smith has demonstrated her understanding of the issues important for a county commission to address, and can build a coalition to get things done. Keep Hillsborough County safe from an unhinged MAGA agenda, and vote for Mariella Smith.

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2022 Election – Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners District 1

I had one of the most interesting candidate conversations I think I have ever had around this race. I had a long conversation with Scott D. Levinson, the Republican running for the seat. This is where it got interesting. He seems to be very socially progressive, to the point I eventually said, “Scott, you need not be telling people this. You may get kicked out of the Republican party. But the thing is, Harry gave me an appointment when he was a member of the City Council and heard me out on some contractor behavior issues we were having in the neighborhood.

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