Dallas Pastor Lays Down the Law On Gay Marriage

Jim Burroway at Box Turtle Bulletin brings this YouTube video to our attention. It is Pastor Frederick B. Haynes of Friendship West Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas preaching about the hating on Obama on his stance around gay marriage. I don’t know how, but I’m thankful that here is a minister who gets it, and isn’t afraid to say so. “…But whatever you like to ostracize other people it’s because there’s a fear that you have yourself, and the fear that you have finds itself rooted in an ignorance of other people. “

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Conservatives Hate Freedom

Michael Lind has a great story at Salon.com today about how conservatives say one thing, but do another. I know that will come as a shock. Despite their claims of being the people bent on protecting Americans’ freedoms, they are actually the people who have, over the past 60 years, most sought to curtail those freedoms. Lind is careful to make the distinction between true Libertarians and conservatives, and points out that, since World War II, conservatives have opposed every expansion of personal liberty in the U.S. This really is an article you need to read, especially if you are a conservative.

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Consider Me A Native of El Bethel

Since the Mayor gave Newt (serial adulterer, family values, thrice married, marriage is between one man and three women) Gingrich a key to the City today, consider me a native of El Bethel. Bad enough my Old Home State is trying to write discrimination into the State’s Constitution, now they are turning over the key to one of the sleeziest people to ever come out of Washington, D.C. And all this on the day he was ending his campaign anyways.

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Party of Personal Responsiblity Wants a Cram-down

It seems the Minnesota Republican Party is broke…or at least decided they no longer have to pay bills. So what is their solution? The don’t pay the rent on their office space a few blocks from the Minnesota Capital Building for eight months, get an eviction notice, and then try to negotiate a “cram-down” of their rent. You know, something like what they wouldn’t ever support giving to the rest of under-class people. CNN has the story.

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Sometimes a Lie is Just a Lie

Well, of course the war over writing bigotry and discrimination into the North Carolina Constitution is in full swing. I am sadly disappointed that this is what my home state has come to, but I’m not surprised. I’ve talked to several of the legislators who voted to put this on the ballot, and they absolve themselves by saying, “Well, I just think the people should vote.” But when I ask them why they don’t put every civil right on the ballot, I was called, “absurd.”

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Ah For the Good Old Days of Julia Sugarbaker

I know some of you will remember the show “Designing Women,” and especially the rants of one of the lead characters, Julia Sugarbaker. Someone has taken the time to hitch together a segment of Michele Bachman and one of Julia’s rants, and the results are pretty good. Boy how would love for someone like Julia Sugarbaker to actually call out some of these Republican candidates, especially Bachman. So, it’s as true today as it was back when the program was new, so enjoy this clip….

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Guns, Booze, and Tennessee Legislators

Not toolong ago the Teabagger crazy in the Tennessee Legislature decided it would be a good idea to roll back restrictions on where a person shouldn’t carry guns. So Rep. Curry Todd decided it would be a good idea to introduce a law allowing handgun carry permit holders to bring guns into bars. Because, you know, guns and drunks are always a successful combination…if you desire is to clean up the gene pool. Unfortunately, Rep. Todd forgot about another law in Tennessee making it illegal to be in possession of a fireman when intoxicated.

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The Crazy from N.C…Please Make it Stop

So this GOP State Senator James Forrester who is supposedly a medical doctor (fortunately the sick in his town he’s retired). The batshittery is beyond belief and goes on and on as this blow hard is caught in lie after lie as he tries to conceal the animous on which the anti-gay hate bill was based. He was the primary sponsor. I warn you, the blatant idocy could make you want to puncture your ear drums.

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Poor Congressman Needs $200k per Year to Feed His Family

You heard me right. Rep. John Flemming (R-LA) says that he can’t afford to pay any more taxes because his net income from his business is only a little over $600k per year. He needs $200k to feed his family (it must be some whopper of a family), and that means he has only $400k left. But he sticks to the GOP talking points. We can’t have class warfare, and I’m guessing he’s probably right. He has $400k to buy bullets, and what’s left of the middle class can’t afford them.

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Letter to City Council – What does love look like? It has the hands to help others

The unfortunate reality is that we simply don’t want to have see this kind of poverty in our own neighborhood. We don’t want to be reminded of how many people are hurting, and how badly they hurt. We are simply afraid to look in the eyes of these people. It makes us uncomfortable, and we want to banish them so we no longer have to see what we have wrought.

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The Jokes WriteThemselves for Senator Franken

The Senate today held hearings on the Defense of Marriage Act. There were a lot of poignant moments, but Senator Al Franken may have pulled off one of the best exchanges of the day. Franken is a smart guy, and these idiots from the hate organizations need to not sell him short. They may get away with making shit up with other Senators, but not much gets by Sen. Franken.

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