Republican Tom Cox of KS – Douche Bag Award Winner

This one is just kind of outside our usual realm of notice, but we decided his action was just deplorable enough to warrant recognition with our Douche Bag of the Day award. Republican Tom Cox is a member of the Kansas house of Representatives representing the Shawnee-Lake Quivira district of good old KS, and he underhandedly changed his vote to make it possible for adoption agencies in KS to receive state funds AND discriminate against LGBT people.

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Scott Pruitt-EPA Head-Douche of the Day

It has taken this long for Trump’s EPA Chief, Scott Pruitt, to receive a Douche Bag of the Day award only because I haven’t had the time nor motivation to post much lately. All of his enumerable ethical lapses aside, maybe the worst action came this week when he set out a plan to severely limit the use of actual science by EPA scientists.

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Brian Brown – Douche Bag of The Day

I didn’t go back and look, but it is likely Brian has received our award before. He is, after all, head of the infamous “National Organization for Marriage (NOM) (an SPLC designated hate group). We decided to recognize Brian this time for his heretical efforts to make himself relevant again (and get some money flowing), by using Christ and Easter. Brian claims he’s as persecuted and Jesus was.

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Laura Ingraham – Triple Douche of the Day

So Fox News’ Laura Ingraham did what my grandfather would refer to as, “shit and fell back in it,” the other day when she decided it would be great sport to denigrate David Hogg, one of the more public of the Douglas High School shooting survivors. She thought that he didn’t get into some of the universities he’s applied to, she had a license to go after him.

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The Swiss Gun Control Argument

The Swiss argument about gun control gets bandied about with some regularity. There’s this claim that “The Swiss require everyone to have a gun,” or “The Swiss government issues everyone a gun.” Except, no they don’t. And as a matter of fact, when you look into gun violence statistics, Switzerland supports the position: “the more guns, the more gun violence.”

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No Gun Control Unless You Are Anti-Choice

And here’s one of the latest anti-gun control arguments I was presented with today. Apparently, my opinion on the steps I thought might help reduce the gun carnage in America doesn’t count unless I’m willing to certify that I am against abortion. Are those people fucking serious? I mean did the guy who tried that not have a clue about how easy that would be to stand on its head?

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A Good Guy With a Gun Stopped a Shooting?

The big news yesterday was yet another possible school shooting. This time a 17-year-old brought a Glock handgun to Great Mills High school in Maryland. Fortunately, he only wounded two people. The ammosexuals have been fetishizing the incident because supposedly a “good guy with a gun” stopped a shooting. Except, that is not what happened.

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That Law Wouldn’t Have Stopped….Another More Guns Argument

The NRA has trained well their minions. One of the most common arguments after every mass shooting is, well a waiting period wouldn’t have stopped; an age restriction wouldn’t have helped in this situation; or a determined person will get a gun. No one regulation will stop all shootings (with the clear inference that means there should be no regulations).

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Cars Kill People Too – Another Gun Argument

One of the most common arguments I have seen thrown around to do nothing about gun violence is “Well cars kill people too, let’s ban cars.” I suppose one can dismiss this argument out-of-hand for its stupidity, but I want to play along with them. I’m not sure they understand what they’re doing when they compare guns with cars. I’d actually very much like to treat guns and gun-safety much as we do with cars.

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The Law-Abiding Gun Owner Argument

I want to address a specific argument I keep hearing in gun debates by those opposing any sensible gun regulation. There are many and frankly most are nonsensical, but maybe two of the ones that make the least sense and I hear most often are about how we just need to enforce the laws already on the books, and any additional regulations will just “harm” “law-abiding gun owners.”

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Marva Johnson-Spectrum Douche Bag of the Day

Marva Johnson. Here’s a name you may not know, but you’d better learn who she is, and what here (and apparently her employer’s) agenda is for public education. She also is chair of the Florida State Board of Education, appointed by Gov. Rick Scott in 2014. In addition, In March, the governor appointed her to the 37-member statewide Constitutional Revision Commission.

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