Wesley Covenant Association Proceeds with Plans for New Denomination

As a group takes up the name of Wesley to promote schism within the UMC, John Wesley had this to about schism, ““[Schism] is evil in itself. To separate ourselves from a body of living Christians, with whom we were before united, is a grievous breach of the law of love. Note that the damage in schism is not to a structure, but to the character of holiness in those who participate in it.”

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Rick Wiles Tries to Out-Crazy Lance Wallnau

As I posted Yesterday, “Pastor” Lance Wallnau was saying Trump should, like other dictators, be able to kill his opponents. Well, I guess “Pastor” Rike Wiles didn’t like Wallnau getting all the attention, so he’s now claiming that Democrats will “slaughter” tens of thousands of Christians if they win the midterm elections.

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Entitled Tampans And Tampa Airport

I don’t know if some people just don’t think, or feel entitled in some extreme sort of royalty-like way. I recently came across a Facebook Group for people who are complaining about the sound of airplanes landing at Tampa International Airport, despite having bought homes they knew to be right under the primary approach path. Go figure.

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Frightening Christians In the Trump Regime

This one will scare the crap out of you. Krazy Kristian Kook, Lance Wallanau, slipped up and gave us a glimpse behind the curtain in a YouTube where he openly wished that Trump could give his Democratic critics the same treatment that dissidents get in Vladimir Putin’s Russia. As Thomas Jefferson said, “In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own.”

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Melania Trump’s Spokesperson-Stephanie Grisham: Douche Bag of The Day

Last month Melania Trump visited Egypt. Quartz News, based on federal records, report that Melania and her entourage spent a night there and amassed a bill of $95,000.00 (for a one night stay). Ms. Grisham is all upset, not because of the amount taxpayers had to spend, but the fact that the news source was wrong…they were at the hotel for only six hours.

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Honor a Veteran – Wreaths Across America

There are 1200 Veterans who are buried at Mountain Rest Cemetery in Kings Mountain, NC, and countless others in both National and local cemeteries across the nation. They are the Veterans who we hope to honor when we participate in Wreaths Across America Day on December 15, 2018. Find out how you can help.

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Marco Rubio – Handing Out Matches To Arsonists

Early last week Little Marco Rubio got another Douche Bag of the Day Award. He won it for a tone-deaf email sent out about the extremism of Democrats on the day the bombs made by a Trump supporter were being delivered to their targets. Today’s award is for a tweet where he tries to defend and cover for his Dear Leader’s violent rhetoric.

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My Reaction to Matthew Shepherd’s Service Today

I’d taken Friday off for some recuperation. I wound up watching the Service for Matthew Shepherd today from that National Cathedral. I was particularly struck in two ways. One was related to Rep. Virginia Foxx, the other to the Methodist Church.

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