Honor a Veteran – Wreaths Across America

There are 1200 Veterans who are buried at Mountain Rest Cemetery in Kings Mountain, NC, and countless others in both National and local cemeteries across the nation. They are the Veterans who we hope to honor when we participate in Wreaths Across America Day on December 15, 2018. Find out how you can help.

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Marco Rubio – Handing Out Matches To Arsonists

Early last week Little Marco Rubio got another Douche Bag of the Day Award. He won it for a tone-deaf email sent out about the extremism of Democrats on the day the bombs made by a Trump supporter were being delivered to their targets. Today’s award is for a tweet where he tries to defend and cover for his Dear Leader’s violent rhetoric.

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My Reaction to Matthew Shepherd’s Service Today

I’d taken Friday off for some recuperation. I wound up watching the Service for Matthew Shepherd today from that National Cathedral. I was particularly struck in two ways. One was related to Rep. Virginia Foxx, the other to the Methodist Church.

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Jeff Flake’s Indecision Earns Him a Douche Bag Award

We’re going to engrave one for retiring Republican Senator Jeff flake casting one of, if not the most important vote of his time in the Senate. Apparently, he was OK voting to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court of the United States while still harboring doubts.

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Marco Rubio – Douche Bag of The Day

Congratulations to Marco as a multiple award winner. This time for a tone-deaf email that went out today, of all days, claiming it’s Democrats who are lacking civility and attacking the fine folks of the Republican persuasion. It’s the classic Republican ploy…if they’re accusing someone else of doing it, you can bet they are the ones doing it.

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Who’s The Smartest One of All?

None of us is a smart as all of us. – Phil Condit This is pretty obviously a riff on the concept of synergy, “the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.” But coming from a guy with Phil Condit’s background, it takes on some real meaning.

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