Douche of the Day – Trump Supporters

I’m sure a lot of people are not going to like this, but it needs to be said. No amount of twisted justifications and logical gymnastics can justify supporting Donald Trump for the office of President of the United States. I’d like to say the man is just a joke, but there is nothing laughable about his disposition, nor the way he has managed his life and run his businesses.

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Why Increase the Minimum Wage?

School starts in Pinellas County this weekend where the nieces go to school. This was the shortened tax-free weekend, so continuing a long-standing tradition, me and Lay took the girls shopping for their school supplies. We’re not rich, but compared to many others, we’re certainly comfortable. However, on the way home we got into a discussion, when Lay asked, “How do people making at or near the minimum wage take care of kids?” I did some quick math in my head, and realized that a person making around $8.00/hour would have to work nearly four hours (half a work day), when you account for taxes, to pay for the school supplies for just one child.

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Cinemark and the Aurora Colorado Survivors

There’s been a big brouhaha on Facebook about reports that Cinemark Theaters if seeking to recover nearly $700,000 dollars from the survivors and families of those injured or killed in the theater shooting there on July 12, 2012. Twelve people were killed, and over 70 wounded when James Eagan Holmes set off tear gas grenades and shot into the crowd during a midnight showing of the Dark Night Rises film in the Batman series.

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The 3 Musketeers of the NCGA – Douche-bag of the Day Award

It seems that something was finally found to put the fear of God into the members of the North Carolina General Assembly about HB2…the NBA. Never mind jobs, reputation, economic growth…no, the threat of losing the All-star game brought them around…sort of.

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My Discussion of the 2nd Amendment

I’ve previously written about the debunking of the “Good Guy with a Gun” idea that ammosexuals are constantly advancing. In this article, I’d like to write about the other idea they lean on for their justification, the violent overthrow of the federal government. I hear this often accompanying the Facebook memes about gun control. There’s this idea that bubbles around with these folks that if they just have enough people with enough guns they can “take back our government.”

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Three Way Tie for Douche-bag of the Day

This one is interesting I know, but they are all three of the same situation…if it really is three. Let me explain. Last week, Hillsborough, FL, County Commissioner and conservative firebrand, Stacy White (who I will note claims to be a Methodist), supposedly got a report of an anonymous employee who found flying the Rainbow Flag in memory and honor of the victims in Orlando created a hostile work environment for her. White was quick to call the flag a, “divisive, politically-charged symbol.”

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How Much An LGBT Life is Worth to Marco Rubio

We supposedly have a representative form of government, carrying out the will of the people. Nearly 90% of Americans are in favor of increased background checks and prohibiting terrorists from buying guns. But I guess 90% isn’t representative enough for Republicans. This being the result of votes on 4 gun control measures in the U.S. Senate last night.

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Wayne LaPierre-Douche-Bag of The Day

Let it never be said that NRA Chief, Wayne LaPierre, let a gun massacre go by without encouraging the sell of even more guns. Yes folks, this douche-bag, just a week from the worst gun massacre is out selling the false narrative that this was a terrorist attack, and they are coming for you, so you’d better buy more guns.

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Pat Robertson-Douche-Bag of The Day

Should come as no surprise that Pat Robertson couldn’t pass up the Orlando Massacre as an opportunity to spill some of his hateful bile around the TV. Layering a Muslim, trying to claim he was a terrorist, on top of a massacre of LGBT young people on top of Trump’s America, and it’s hard not to have a “Christian Leader” each day as the douche-bag of the day. Some Republicans are vying for the honor, but since it’s Sunday, let’s go with religion, and so, for thinking Muslims and Gays should be left alone to kill each other, here’s our Douche-bag of the Day Award for Pat Robertson.

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Roger Jiminez–Daily Douche-bag Award Winner

There’s plenty of bile bubbling up out of the bowels of fundamentalist Christianity in the west over the shooting in Orlando. one of the most hateful is Roger Jiminez of Sacramento, California’s Verity Baptist Church, who said, “As a Christian, we shouldn’t be mourning the death of 50 sodomites. Let me go ahead and start right there. As a Christian, we shouldn’t be sad or upset.”

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Franklin Graham–Today’s Daily Douche-Bag Award

Right now, it’s pretty hard to decide who to give our Douche-bat of the Day Award. There are just so many people vying for the honor, with lots of pastors leading the pack. Some awful things have been said in “Jesus’ name,” and we’ll get to those, but I decided to pull out Franklin Graham from that deck first.

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